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Tuesday, 15 October 2019

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Breaking the Sills Curse, At Last 

JOIDES Resolution blogs [23:45:17]  recommend  recommend this post  (106 visits) info
To recapture what has happened on this eventful day: All night and day, rocky cores have been arriving. They added... Read more

Machine Learning and SEG Wordle 

Seismos [23:19:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (148 visits) info
Thank you to the 94 who responded to my earlier google poll on 'Machine Learning and SEG'. The wordle below was made by combining answers to this question: 'In your opinion, what can/should the SEG as a society do in the area of Machine Learning?'  Who could guess the wordle would turn out shaped like a human brain? Very cool

Seattle’s Safe from Earthquakes 

New Stories in Stone [22:01:49]  recommend  recommend this post  (107 visits) info
I bet you didn’t know that Seattle is safe from earthquakes. According to a University of North Carolina geologist Collier Cobb it is. He had this to say to a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce: “Other [...]

Tutorial 19g: Open Access definitions and clarifications, part 7: why your open-access journal should use the CC By licence 

Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week [20:19:57]  recommend  recommend this post  (517 visits) info
Matt and I are about to submit a paper. One of the journals we considered — and would have really liked in many respects — turned out to use the CC By-NC-SA license. This is a a very well-intentioned [...]

How You Can Help to Advance Science in Society 

State of the Planet [14:51:09]  recommend  recommend this post  (481 visits) info
An event on October 16 will share insights and strategies to help scientists get their message across to the general

Los dinosaurios a rotulador de Matilde Horta 

Koprolitos [10:13:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (112 visits) info
Matilde Horta es una ilustradora y animadora de Porto (Portugal). Le gusta dibujar tanto en papel como en digital, probando diferentes estilos y técnicas. Estudió Diseño en la Universidade de Aveiro e [...]

Zamia gigas Plant Fossil 

Louisville Area Fossils [05:54:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (546 visits) info
This image is of a Williamsonia (aka Zamia) gigas cycad fossil. The plant existed in the Jurassic Period. Fossil was discovered in Scarborough, England, United Kingdom. Picture taken at Museo di Geologia e [...]

Renaissance Ramblin’ Man: An Interview with Musician and HMNS Employee Chuck Leah 

BEYONDbones [22:30:04]  recommend  recommend this post  (197 visits) info
Spooky season is upon us and in celebration of all things creepy and terrifying, the Houston Museum of Natural Science is hosting a film screening of the 1922 cult classic Nosferatu. Long before vampires [...]

Seattle’s Safe from Earthquakes 

New Stories in Stone [22:01:49]  recommend  recommend this post  (61 visits) info
I bet you didn’t know that Seattle is safe from earthquakes. According to a University of North Carolina geologist Collier Cobb it is. He had this to say to a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce: “Other [...]

More than 500 people misunderstand climate change 

Real Climate [19:01:42]  recommend  recommend this post  (168 visits) info
A consensus is usually established when one explanation is more convincing than alternative accounts, convincing the majority. This is also true in science. However, science-based knowledge is also our best [...]

Linton Zoo 

Dave Hone’s Archosaur Musings [10:59:18]  recommend  recommend this post  (519 visits) info
I’m really very behind on blogging generally and my zoo reviews in particular (if you haven’t seen it, you’ll want to read this thread on Twitter as to why). In addition to a couple of small outfits and [...]

What is phytoremediation? 

SOILS MATTER, GET THE SCOOP! [08:15:24]  recommend  recommend this post  (121 visits) info
What could be greener than using plants to clean up polluted soil? Phytoremediation, the use of green plants to repair unhealthy soil, has sparked the curiosity of scientists and plant

Himalayan Kingdoms with Smithsonian Journeys 

Earthly Musings [04:28:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (511 visits) info
I have begun a 15-day excursion to Nepal and Bhutan called Himalayan Kingdoms with Smithsonian Journeys. I am currently in Kathmandu, enjoying the sights and wonders of this exotic locality. I'll be posting [...] | Impressum