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Thursday, 17 October 2019

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Geowissenschaften – ein kurzes Plädoyer 

Mente et Malleo [22:51:22]  recommend  recommend this post  (247 visits) info
Die meisten Leute haben vermutlich ein ziemlich festes Bild von einem Geologen. Entweder der Indiana-Jones-Typ, der mit Lederjacke und Borsalino nach Dinosauriern gräbt. Oder wahrscheinlich der bärtige Typ, der ölverschmutzt den Managern sagt, wo sie … Der Beitrag Geowissenschaften – ein kurzes Plädoyer erschien zuerst auf Mente et Malleo.

Anak Krakatau eruptiert surtseyanisch 

Florian Beckers Vulkan-Blog [20:54:51]  recommend  recommend this post  (163 visits) info
Der indonesische Inselvulkan im Sunda Strait eruptierte erneut. Wie gehabt war es eine Mischung zwischen phreatischer- und surtseyanischer Eruption, bei der neben Dampf und Schlamm auch Vulkanasche gefördert wurde. Im Unterschied zu vorherigen Eruptionen war diesmal eine Kamera zugegen, die das Geschehen


ARCHEA [16:39:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (78 visits) info
The American Mastodon, Mammut americanum. Mastodons resemble elephants, but are more like elephant cousins. A second species, Mammut pacificus, has recently been described from fossils found in Idaho and [...]

Alum Trained and Ready for Climate Action in Any Environment 

State of the Planet [14:50:46]  recommend  recommend this post  (725 visits) info
Since graduating from the Sustainability Management program, Megan Burns has positioned herself for long-term career growth in climate

Bubble Experiments at Durham University 

Earth & Solar System [10:34:17]  recommend  recommend this post  (322 visits) info
Back in August, I spent 2 weeks with Durham University’s volcanology research group, devising and conducting some experiments. In a nutshell, I was looking at how bubbles behave in a non-Newtonian fluid [...]

The Day of the Dinosaur, and the legend of the regrown sauropod tail 

Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week [04:44:41]  recommend  recommend this post  (193 visits) info
After this year’s SVPCA, Vicki and London and I spent a few days with the Taylor family in the lovely village of Ruardean. It wasn’t all faffing about with the Iguanodon pelvis, the above photo [...]

Vancouver earthquake map 

Ontario-geofish [15:52:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (109 visits) info
Yeah, something to do with earthquakes.  I love earthquakes much more than the whole globby warming thing, but almost no earthquakes in the past year or two. I think this map is based on the building stock, [...]

Cretaceous (Tadd Galusha) 

Koprolitos [13:50:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (140 visits) info
Galusha, en su cubil de Alaska El pasado 26 de marzo, Oni Press lanzó el cómic –bajo nuestro punto de vista- más interesante del año: Cretaceous, de Tadd Galusha. Los Chugach son un pueblo esquimal, en [...]

We mourn the passing of Prof. Dr. Victor Hugo Garduño Monroy [10:05:59]  recommend  recommend this post  (175 visits) info
Dear colleagues, It is with great sadness that we received note from the passing of our dear colleague Victor Hugo Gorduño Monroy. Victor was a close friend to many of us and an outstanding person in the [...] | Impressum