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Monday, 30 March 2020

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River Lessons — Videos by Wild Trout Trust 

Riparian Rap [21:14:31]  recommend  recommend this post  (139 visits) info
Editor's Note: This post on river lessons by the Wild Trout Trust was

Cyclothyris zahalkai Nekvasilová, 1973 - Bilder [17:14:42]  recommend  recommend this post  (446 visits) info
, Abbildungsoriginal von Höflinger, 2015 (S. 79) - Turon, unteres Turon (Bílá-Hora-Formation) - Ort: #Hasina-Tal bei Lipenec nahe Lipno (Údolí Hasiny u

Opis bicornis (Geinitz, 1843) - Bilder [17:07:46]  recommend  recommend this post  (421 visits) info
, - Cenoman, unteres Mittelcenoman (Meißen-Formation) - Ort:

Virtual field geology exercises for GLG451 Field Geology I Spring 2020 

Active Tectonics Blog [16:35:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (105 visits) info
Even before the COVID-19 crisis changed everything, I was working this semester to build some virtual options for my Field Geology I (GLG451) course. Two students are physically unable to do the field work, [...]

Ideas for Home Schooling 

Earth Learning Idea [13:55:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (124 visits) info
In these very difficult circumstances, many of you will be working from home and trying to think of ideas for your pupils or for children at home. Earthlearningidea has a Children's Fun page which may help. [...]

El PaleoCartón de Santiago Reuil 

Koprolitos [11:28:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (409 visits) info
Santiago Reuil es un paleoartista argentino muy conocido en el ámbito de las reconstrucciones paleontológicas tanto en su país como en el resto de Sudamérica. Ha realizado varias exposiciones y son su [...]

An Outing With William Smith 

Reporting on a Revolution [08:16:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (117 visits) info
I have started reading Roger Osbourne's The Floating Egg: Episodes in the Making of Geology. It tells stories set mostly in the 1800's from the Yorkshire region of England of people involved in exploring [...]

Oakland geology in the Covidocene 

Oakland Geology [17:01:27]  recommend  recommend this post  (180 visits) info
I’ll get around to geology in this post, but there are a few things to say first. We’re in a new period of time when the unknown looms larger than usual and all seems pervaded with uncertainty. No one [...]

Linux - Zoom for Physics 

Ontario-geofish [16:00:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (419 visits) info
Yeah, everybody get zoom.  It works for chromebooks and old laptops running Linux.  It's amazing that it works.  I can never get any other Linux application working with video and sound, it requires a lot [...]

Sunrise over the toilet paper plant 

Ontario-geofish [13:45:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (411 visits) info
Taken the other day.  This is the big Facelle plant and the steam that we always see.  A nice, iconic photo for our times. 

Eoholocentrum macrocephalum Fish Fossil 

Louisville Area Fossils [08:27:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (387 visits) info
Eoholocentrum macrocephalum fossil displayed at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, USA. This fish was a primitive acanthomorph and relates to modern squirrelfish. The large eye sockets [...] | Impressum