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News from the Geoblogosphere
New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..
Thursday, 04 January 2024
Die Lage in den deutschen Hochwassergebieten ist nach wie vor dramatisch, und auch die Regenfälle der letzten Tage dürften keine Entspannung gebracht haben. Spätestens seit den Tagen vor Weihnachten stehen die Flussdeiche unter Druck. Inzwischen …
Der Beitrag Warum sind durchweichte Deiche eine Gefahr? erschien zuerst auf Mente et Malleo.
Unescoceratops koppelhusae, Julius CsotonyiA very sweet small leptoceratopsid dinosaur, Unescoceratops koppelhusae — a new species in the collections of the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology in Drumheller, Alberta.The colourful and beautifully detailed painting you see here is by the very talented Julius Csotonyi who captured the magnificence of form, texture and palette to bring
Look at how this protective mamma bear holds her cub in her arms to give him a bit of a wash. Her gentle maternal care is truly touching. This mamma has spent late Autumn to Spring in a cave, having [...]
But he calls it the warmest year ever, and so it will be on the media.I'm glad to see it finally drop as a narrow spike. These things have no great effect on anything. The area [...]
Marion Montagne (1980) quería ser científica, pero sus padres no acababan de verlo claro. Así que estudió ilustración en la escuela Estienne y luego animación en la prestigiosa Gobelins. Tras darse a [...]
I'm not saying anything about the Japan old men running things, and their thing for schoolgirls. As the Eppie Club shows, the world runs on corruption, and it has made us safe against [...]
The Gulf plume came up and shoved the cold blob.Very weird.However, there is some good black descending.Nothing is that clear, but a clipper promises some snow. For the UK, cold [...]
Last month I wrote of my visit to Iceland last summer to see the Litli-Hrútur basalt eruption. I continued on and eventually got to Italy in mid-August, 2023. I had a specific geologic goal. It was the [...]