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Monday, 15 April 2024

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UK gets hit with Spring tornados 

Ontario-geofish [22:02:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (62 visits) info
 They are getting hit with the full Arctic spill, and it's driving their weather people batty.  This is what I predicted they would have all winter and it would have been a true Little Ice Age, 'Freeze the Thames' winter.  But, a tremendous amount of heat energy hit them all winter.  And the Gulf Stream sent warm water very far north.Look at that ice filling up the gap

Il film più politicamente corretto della storia 

Theropoda [18:43:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (150 visits) info
 Il momento più spaventoso del filmIl bello di essere giovani è che non si ha memoria. Tutto è nuovo, tutto è originale. Noi giovani siamo la novità, portiamo una ventata di innovazione e introduciamo elementi che prima di noi non esistevano. Ci siamo passati tutti. Anche io a 20 anni pensavo di essere innovativo ed originale rispetto a chi mi ha preceduto. Lo penso ancora, ma

Further earthquake reading: Philip Fradkin 

Oakland Geology [17:01:51]  recommend  recommend this post  (503 visits) info
Lately I’ve been going through my bookshelf and revisiting some memorable titles by and about geology, from the 1830s to today. Today I want to share three standout books of particular relevance to Oakland [...]

NOAA plot confirms continued global warming 

Ontario-geofish [14:04:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (154 visits) info
 You can't argue with their world 'March' plot.  Good headlines coming up.The 'all months' plot is going down, but there is the appearance that this spike was greater than [...]


ARCHEA [12:30:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (129 visits) info
Turtle shells are different from the body armour or armoured shells we see adorning dinosaurs like the ankylosaurs. Ankylosaurs were blessed with huge plates of bone embedded into their skin that [...]

Greenhouse effect 

Earth Learning Idea [10:58:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (124 visits) info
The new ELI today continues our climate change series with 'Greenhouse effect in a bottle: how to simulate the effect of increased CO2 level on Earth's temperature'.This ELI is a simulation where students test [...]

Sharp talon of cold coming to jab us 

Ontario-geofish [15:52:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (146 visits) info
 Just above Hudson Bay, the ice dragon gets ready to hit Toronto.The forecast is showing this as a late April frost.  I have relatives going to visit Iceland soon -- ha!  But they [...]

Regulating Air Toxics from Petrochemical Plants 

State of the Planet [13:56:53]  recommend  recommend this post  (123 visits) info
We need to end performative and ideological regulatory debates and strive for effective regulation that protects the public while encouraging

Bolsilibros Mesozoicos (V): La conquista del espacio 

Koprolitos [10:58:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (145 visits) info
  Obra divulgativa de Bruguera (1967) El creciente favor popular de las novelitas de a duro acabó decidiendo a la principal editora de tebeos del país (Mortadelo, El capitán Trueno), Bruguera, a lanzar [...] | Impressum