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Thursday, 18 April 2024

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ARCHEA [10:00:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (548 visits) info
Deep inside the largest and deepest gold mine in North America scientists are looking for dark matter particles and neutrinos instead of precious metals. It may not seem exciting on the surface — but it was far below! The Homestake Gold Mine in Lawrence County, South Dakota was a going concern from about 1876 to 2001. The mine produced more than forty million troy ounces of gold in its

The Rise of the Tyrannies, the Fall of the Nursery Clades, and the Theropod Theory of Everything 

Theropoda [16:34:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (95 visits) info
Spinosaurus, Andangalornis, Scipionyx, Deinonychus, Tyrannosaurus. Cinque generi di dinosauro predatore che differiscono nell'anatomia, morfologia, ecologia, distribuzione geografica e stratigrafica vengono gettati nella mischia insieme... come potremmo avere la ben che minima idea di cosa possiamo aspettarci? (Immagini modificate da opere di D. Bonadonna, M. Hallett,

Pacific plumes continue to be weak 

Ontario-geofish [16:27:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (84 visits) info
 If we want a nice Spring, we need heat energy from the Pacific.  Not getting it.  We are just getting little bursts of heat from the Gulf of Mexico.  The Arctic is [...]

All in the Family: One Environmental Science and Policy Student’s Path to Columbia 

State of the Planet [20:46:13]  recommend  recommend this post  (48 visits) info
Clarisa Marambio, a soon-to-be graduate of the MPA in Environmental Science and Policy program, discusses her upbringing in Chile and how her two older sisters helped shape her interest in

Unas cuantas ilustraciones dinosaurianas... (XC) 

Koprolitos [10:00:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (81 visits) info
Permian Thermoregulation (Luis Atilano) Como siempre, fiel a su cita, ya está aquí nuestra ronda de ilustraciones dinosaurianas. Y aunque aparece encabezada por una composición pérmica sin dinosaurios, [...]

Asiatosuchus oenotriensis, el cocodrilo de Tierra del Vino que vivió en Zamora hace cuarenta millones de años 

Dinosaurios (el cuaderno de Godzillín) [12:57:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (1 visit) info
Reconstrucción de Asiatosuchus oenotriensis, nueva especie descrita en el Eoceno medio de Zamora (Ilustración de Manuel Mújica)Los yacimientos de la Cuenca del Duero localizados en las provincias españolas [...] | Impressum