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Posts treating: "Fortymile Desert"

Tuesday, 06 January 2015

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One Year Ago Today Compared to Last Month: Mud and Snow v. Mud and Water in the Fernley Wildlife Management Area 

Looking for Detachment [2015-01-06 01:45:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (160 visits) info

A year ago today, a thin snow highlighted some Lake Lahontan shorelines on basalt-capped hills out in (or near) the Fernley Wildlife Management Area (FWMA): Snow on low hills across the dark brown playa in part of the Fortymile Desert on January 5th, 2013. About a month ago, there wasn't any snow on the ground, buy the playa was dark brown, muddy, and in places very wet. The same two

More Dust Devils 

Looking for Detachment [2014-11-24 14:00:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (201 visits) info

I often have occasion to see dust devils while traveling through Nevada, especially in the dryer months, but any time of year can afford the right conditions: a dry playa or dirt road (and other surfaces, read more here) and thermally unstable air. And so, while driving through the Fortymile Desert and about to pass by the Nightingale Hot Springs exit on I-80 back in early October —  the | Impressum