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Posts treating: "Franciscan melange"

Monday, 28 July 2014

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Geranium Place rocks and runoff 

Oakland Geology [2014-07-28 06:08:53]  recommend  recommend this post  (785 visits) info

Geranium Place occupies a sloping bit of land just north of Horseshoe Creek below Redwood Road. This map shows the location plus the sites of the photos in this post. The bedrock here is mapped as Franciscan melange on the west and the Leona volcanics on the east, the same stuff exposed in the huge

The Berkeley panhandle walk (#1) 

Oakland Geology [2011-09-20 02:51:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (89 visits) info
Here’s another stairs-and-paths walk from Charles Fleming’s Secret Stairs East Bay, one that he calls “Claremont: The Uplands” but I will call the Berkeley panhandle. It feature’s Berkeley’s share of the Piedmont block of Franciscan melange. Here’s the route map, showing the locations of the photos. The terrain consists of steep-sided hills, naturally, which is | Impressum