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Posts treating: "German"

Sunday, 26 June 2016

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news from the garden 

drip | david’s really interesting pages... [2016-06-26 10:43:10]  recommend  recommend this post  (620 visits) info
A new guest : A Hawfinch, or in German “Pit-Biter” (Kernbeisser). Perhaps interested in these… And the woodpecker family have become daily guests, hunting for treats on our

German Future Earth Summit 

Projektblog - Geozon Science Media [2016-01-27 19:45:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (138 visits) info

Der „German Future Earth Summit“ ist eine nationale Konferenz für WissenschaftlerInnen und Stakeholder, die an Themen der globalen Nachhaltigkeitsforschung interessiert sind. Er findet am 28. und 29. Januar 2016 im Berliner Umweltforum statt. Der Summit ist eine Plattform mit der Möglichkeit zum Austausch von Meinungen, Forschungsideen und -ansätzen hinweg über Disziplinen und Sektoren. Forschende dieser Community kommen beispielsweise aus den [...]

Is There Organic Matter on Mars? 

Gunnars Geo-Blog [2014-11-13 22:04:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (223 visits) info

     Organic matter recently detected by NASA’s robotic rover “Curiosity” is probably not due to contamination brought from Earth as researchers originally thought. A team of German and British scientists led by geoscientist Prof. Dr. Frank Keppler from Heidelberg University now suggests that the gaseous chlorinated organic compound – chloromethane – recently found on the “Red Planet”

German Pecopteris Pine Cone Fossil 

Louisville Area Fossils [2014-09-30 14:39:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (136 visits) info

 Carboniferous; DE,IT,US
Here is a picture of a Pecopteris acuta pine cone fossil at the Museo di Paleontologia at Sapienza University of Rome Italy. Plants like this existed at the time of the Carboniferous Period. The fossil was found in Essen, Germany. Image taken in June

German Pleurodictyum problematicum Coral Fossil 

Louisville Area Fossils [2014-08-06 02:30:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (118 visits) info

 Devonian; IT,US,DE
Here is a picture of a Pleurodictyum problematicum coral fossil at the Museo di Paleontologia at Sapienza University of Rome Italy. It existed in the Devonian Period. The fossil was found in Germany. My pal Dave in Pennsylvania finds this coral genus in the Mahantango Formation. See his blog post about


Lounge of the Lab Lemming [2013-06-18 13:37:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (86 visits) info
Since the end of WW II, English has been the dominant language of science.  This was not always the case.  The late 19th century industrial and scientific explosion in Germany made German a potential contender before geopolitical events depopulated Germany of its scientists.  And earlier in the 19th century French, and originally Latin, were the languages of the day. The reasons for this

2013 Toyota Highlander Hybrid 

Ontario-geofish [2012-12-15 13:25:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (58 visits) info
After 10 years, I have given up my Town and Country.  It was still going strong and could last another 10 years, but all my kids have grown up and I was tired of it.  The car was built during the 'German Period' and they put in Mercedes parts.  I understand that no other model was any good. So I ordered a new car from and I saved at least a few thousand off the horrendous | Impressum