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Posts treating: "Harpers Ferry"

Friday, 15 January 2016

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Friday fold: Harpers Ferry 

Mountain Beltway [2016-01-15 15:29:19]  recommend  recommend this post  (173 visits) info

The geology east of Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, is cool. It’s Blue Ridge rocks, from basement to the cover sequence, tilted to the west and broken and repeated by the Short Hill Fault. Here’s a look at a detail of the Geology of the Harpers Ferry quadrangle by Southworth and Brezinski (1996). So there’s a fault! Good – but the title of this post isn’t “Friday fault” – Where’s the

Bedding/cleavage GigaPans at Harpers Ferry, WV 

Mountain Beltway [2015-10-12 12:03:04]  recommend  recommend this post  (166 visits) info

I’ve been thinking lately about Harpers Ferry, the spot where West Virginia, Virginia, and Maryland meet, at the confluence of the Potomac River and the Shenandoah River. I’ve noted small outcrops of its overturned beddding here previously, and also described a book I read about the man who made the place infamous: John Brown. I went out there again last week with my NOVA colleague Beth Doyle, and we explored | Impressum