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Posts treating: "Mariana Back-arc"

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

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Hydrothermal Hunt: Mapping Earth’s Ocean Seafloor 

AGU Meetings [2015-12-22 19:33:17]  recommend  recommend this post  (136 visits) info
This is the latest in a series of dispatches from scientists and education officers aboard the Schmidt Ocean Institute’s R/V Falkor. On this voyage, scientists aboard the research vessel Falkor hoped to shed light on the Mariana Back-arc, which was expected to be teeming with activity and life. Over the course of their 27 day mission at sea they explored the back-arc spreading center to find new sites of hydrothermal activity and to better understand the physical, chemical, and geological [...]

Mariana: The Tectonic Neighborhood 

AGU Meetings [2015-11-24 17:10:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (121 visits) info
This is the latest in a series of dispatches from scientists and education officers aboard the Schmidt Ocean Institute’s R/V Falkor. This November, scientists aboard the research vessel Falkor will aim to shed light on the Mariana Back-arc, which is expected to be teeming with activity and life. Over the course of their 27 day mission at sea they will explore the back-arc spreading center to find new sites of hydrothermal activity and to better understand the physical, chemical, and [...]

More about the Mariana Hydrothermal Hunt 

AGU Meetings [2015-11-24 11:00:22]  recommend  recommend this post  (185 visits) info
This is the latest in a series of dispatches from scientists and education officers aboard the Schmidt Ocean Institute’s R/V Falkor. This November, scientists aboard the research vessel Falkor will aim to shed light on the Mariana Back-arc, which is expected to be teeming with activity and life. Over the course of their 27 day mission at sea they will explore the back-arc spreading center to find new sites of hydrothermal activity and to better understand the physical, chemical, and [...]

Hydrothermal Hunt at Mariana 

AGU Meetings [2015-11-23 17:03:53]  recommend  recommend this post  (156 visits) info
This is the first in a series of dispatches from scientists and education officers aboard the Schmidt Ocean Institute’s R/V Falkor. This November, scientists aboard the research vessel Falkor will aim to shed light on the Mariana Back-arc, which is expected to be teeming with activity and life. Over the course of their over the course of their 27 day mission at sea they will explore the back-arc spreading center to find new sites of hydro-thermal activity and to better understand the [...] | Impressum