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Posts treating: "Runs"

Sunday, 01 March 2015

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Where the River No Longer Runs, Life Persists: Fossil Falls in the Eastern Sierra Nevada 

Geotripper [2015-03-01 10:05:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (657 visits) info

Red Hill near Fossil Falls, with the crest of the Sierra Nevada in the distance. The Sierra Nevada is the largest single block of rock in the United States. It takes the shape of a huge 400 mile long westward tilting range reaching elevations exceeding 14,000 feet. As such, it acts as a gigantic barrier to Pacific storms. The lands to the east are dry and largely barren. One high

August 1, 2014 News [2014-08-01 08:10:14]  recommend  recommend this post  (85 visits) info

Exxon’s PNG LNG Plant Runs at Full Capacity ’Megalopolis’ in the USA’s Southeast by 2060 United States Geological Survey Insecticides Similar to Nicotine Widespread in Midwest United States Geological Survey Brewery Hit by Landslide is Brewing Again Minneapolis/St. Paul BizJournal Wolfcamp Shale Spending to Surpass Bakken ? Oil & Gas Journal Coprolite ?? …. | Impressum