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Posts treating: "San Marino"

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

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Iguanodon Dinosaur Stamp 

Louisville Area Fossils [2014-07-22 04:00:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (89 visits) info

 Jurassic; IT,SM,US
Here is a picture of the Iguanodon dinosaur stamp. It was issued in 1965 by the small republic of San Marino (located on the Italian peninsula). It had a value of 100 lire but the country now uses the euro as their currency. In 1965 it would be worth about 16 United States cents. The stamp was part of collection of nine issued that year. The Iguanodon existed in the Late Jurassic Period

Pteranodon Flying Reptile Stamp 

Louisville Area Fossils [2014-07-21 05:43:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (84 visits) info

Here is a picture of the Pteranodon flying reptile stamp. It was issued in 1965 by the small republic of San Marino (located on the Italian peninsula). It had a value of 3 lire but the country now uses the euro as their currency. The U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) website has a 1965 listing of currency rate exchanges. One United States dollar was equivalent to 625 Italian lire. So

Stegosaurus Dinosaur Stamp from 1965 

Louisville Area Fossils [2014-07-03 01:57:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (101 visits) info

Here is a picture of the Stegosaurus dinosaur stamp. It was issued in 1965 by the small republic of San Marino (located on the Italian peninsula). It had a value of 10 lire but the country now uses the euro as their currency. The stamp was part of collection of nine issued that year. The United States issued a stamp for this dinosaur in 1989 (see my blog post about it here). The

Thaumatorsaurus Marine Reptile Stamp 

Louisville Area Fossils [2014-07-01 00:49:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (73 visits) info

 Jurassic; DE,IT,SM
Here is a picture of the Thaumatosaurus victor marine reptile stamp. It was issued in 1965 by the small republic of San Marino (located on the Italian peninsula). The stamp was part of collection of nine issued that year.The Thaumatosaurus victor was named in 1841 by the German palaeontologist Hermann von Meyer. His specimen was found in the Posidonia Shale of Holzmaden, Germany. The genus Thaumatosaurus ("wonder reptile") has been renamed Meyerasaurus in honor of Hermann von Meyer. The [...] | Impressum