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Posts treating: "Shlemon Specialty Conference"

Monday, 20 October 2014

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2015 AEG Shlemon Specialty Conference – “Time to Face the Landslide Hazard Dilemma: Bridging Science, Policy, Public Safety, and Potential Loss” 

The Landslide Blog [2014-10-20 08:48:52]  recommend  recommend this post  (841 visits) info
The 2015 Shlemon Specialty Conference, organised by the Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists, is entitled "Time to Face the Landslide Hazard Dilemma: Bridging Science, Policy, Public Safety, and Potential

Renewable energy and geology in Arizona 

Arizona Geology [2011-10-28 05:54:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (49 visits) info
I had the privilege of giving the keynote address to the Shlemon Specialty Conference in Tempe this morning on "Opportunities for Alternative Energy Development in Arizona and the Southwest– Geologic/Hydrologic Considerations." The event was organized by the Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists (AEG) and the Arizona Land Subsidence Group. The technical conference | Impressum