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Posts treating: "Street Map data"

Monday, 28 July 2014

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Exploring OSM Israel/Palestine 

Digital Geography [2014-07-28 10:00:35]  recommend  recommend this post  (75 visits) info

In this post I’ll show how to explore (or data mine) Open Street Map data and use features off-line that normally can be hard to get. Many use to download zipped shapefiles to be used directly in GIS systems, but are surprised when it does not contain as much data as the same area in Open Street Map on-line. You can still use but download the *.osm.bz2 files instead. They include raw data from OSM that needs to be processed in order to be used in [...]

Making music with map data 

Earth Sciences and Maps Library Blog [2009-11-06 01:02:06]  recommend  recommend this post  (20 visits) info
From the Open Geodata Blog:Check out a unique use for Open Street Map data: music! From the artist's, French Letter, site on Band Camp: "This is Washington, DC and the surrounding highways remapped in audio. It is an east-west sweep of the city, so it begins with the slow creep of the Potomac River heading southeast and then hits the chaos of the city. North-South values are mapped to pitch."Open Street Map data is freely available for many uses and licensed under a Creative Commons [...] | Impressum