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Posts treating: "TERPRO business meeting"

Monday, 29 June 2015

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TERPRO business meeting at the INQUA2015 congress in Nagoya 

Paleoseismicity [2015-06-29 10:54:39]  recommend  recommend this post  (176 visits) info

The INQUA 2015 congress in Nagoya will not only be the place to catch up with latest science news, but also to elect new commissions and project leaders and to plan and co-ordinate the ongoing activities for the inter-congress period. Therefore, think about joining the relevant business meeting! INQUA is organized in several commissions, of which TERPRO (Terrestrial Processes) is the one which covers paleoseismology, active tectonics and tectonic geomorphology. The IFG Palacte (Int’l [...] | Impressum