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Posts treating: "certain features"

Monday, 26 January 2015

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It’s kind of like a turtle-fish-dolphin… 

Green Tea and Velociraptors [2015-01-26 13:00:24]  recommend  recommend this post  (187 visits) info

 Triassic; US
Close your eyes. Go back in time 250 million years, and the world would seems as strange to you as a different planet. On land, there was a whole host of bizarre and now extinct animals: strange, crocodile-like things, and the precursors of dinosaurs; weird mammal-like beasts, that looked like the lost offspring of a hippo and a monitor lizard. In the seas, marine reptiles dominated. A whole range of unusual animals lived, such as the long-necked plesiosaurs, popularised with reference to the [...] | Impressum