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Posts treating: "gentle landscape"

Sunday, 01 May 2016

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KwaZulu-Natal Holiday: The Midlands 

Georneys [2016-05-01 23:10:55]  recommend  recommend this post  (193 visits) info

Today I’m sharing some more pictures from our recent holiday in the KwaZulu-Natal region of South Africa. You can see my first post about an impressive waterfall here. Today I’m sharing some pictures from an area known as The Midlands. This region is located inland of Durban and Pietermaritzburg and consists of rolling green hills, a gentle landscape located in between the low-lying, flat coastal area and the elevated, steep landscape of

Driving Through the Most Dangerous Plate Boundary in the World: A Gentle Landscape Belies a Fiery Past 

Geotripper [2015-06-07 01:28:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (698 visits) info

As we leave the Great Valley behind on our journey through the most dangerous plate boundary in the world, we finally enter the world of the Sierra Nevada. Many may think of Yosemite Valley or Lake Tahoe when the Sierras are mentioned, but the mountains rise modestly from the west side. The transition from the flat Great Valley to the gentle rolling terrain of the Sierra Nevada is not | Impressum