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Posts treating: "number theory"

Sunday, 07 February 2016

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Born This Day: G. Hardy 

Palaeoblog [2016-02-07 13:30:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (167 visits) info

image Hardy (Feb. 7, 1877 – Dec. 1, 1947) was an English mathematician known for his work in number theory and mathematical analysis. Although Hardy considered himself a pure mathematician, he nevertheless worked in applied mathematics when he formulated a law that describes how proportions of dominant and recessive genetic traits will propagate in a large population (1908). Hardy considered

Died This Day: Godfrey Harold Hardy 

Palaeoblog [2015-12-01 16:00:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (145 visits) info

imageHardy (Feb. 7, 1877 – Dec. 1, 1947) was an English mathematician known for his work in number theory and mathematical analysis. Although Hardy considered himself a pure mathematician, he nevertheless worked in applied mathematics when he formulated a law that describes how proportions of dominant and recessive genetic traits will propagate in a large population (1908). Hardy considered

Died This Day: Godfrey Harold Hardy 

Palaeoblog [2012-12-01 15:57:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (89 visits) info
imageHardy (Feb. 7, 1877 – Dec. 1, 1947) was an English mathematician known for his work in number theory and mathematical analysis. Although Hardy considered himself a pure mathematician, he nevertheless worked in applied mathematics when he formulated a law that describes how proportions of dominant and recessive genetic traits will propagate in a large population (1908). Hardy considered

Born This Day: Godfrey Harold Hardy 

Palaeoblog [2011-02-07 21:42:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (31 visits) info
imageHardy (Feb. 7, 1877 – Dec. 1, 1947) was an English mathematician known for his work in number theory and mathematical analysis. Although Hardy considered himself a pure mathematician, he nevertheless worked in applied mathematics when he formulated a law that describes how proportions of dominant and recessive genetic traits will propagate in a large population (1908). Hardy considered

Died This Day: Godfrey Harold Hardy 

Palaeoblog [2010-12-01 13:57:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (16 visits) info
imageHardy (Feb. 7, 1877 – Dec. 1, 1947) was an English mathematician known for his work in number theory and mathematical analysis. Although Hardy considered himself a pure mathematician, he nevertheless worked in applied mathematics when he formulated a law that describes how proportions of dominant and recessive genetic traits will propagate in a large population (1908). Hardy considered | Impressum