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Posts treating: "open source GMT"

Monday, 28 July 2014

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Irregular xyz data and GMT 

Seismos [2014-07-28 02:24:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (147 visits) info

After much tribulation (I will spare you the embarrassing details), I was finally able to install GMT on a macintosh and figure out the cryptic, yet powerful, GMT commands and options.  More details tomorrow....Mississippian tops gridded and displayed using open source GMT software. For well tops there are other tools, but for gridding general (x,y,z) data this is fabulous.Here is the content of the raw text file miss.xyz101 70 2103102 78 2130101 64 210290 72 210391 64 209493 58 210778 70 [...] | Impressum