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Posts treating: "pyrite fossils"

Sunday, 01 February 2015

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Newly Found Edestus Shark Fossil 

Louisville Area Fossils [2015-02-01 00:39:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (589 visits) info

A nice benefit of having a fossil blog on the Internet is the number of people you meet who are interested in fossils from around the world. Back in October 2014, I was contacted by a coal miner in western Kentucky about identifying some the pyrite fossils he found in some of the mines there. It was great that some one in the mining industry was interested in fossils. At the time, I let

Pleuroceras spinatum Ammonites 

Louisville Area Fossils [2011-12-12 14:52:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (673 visits) info

These pyrite fossils are Pleuroceras spinatum found in the Lower Lias formation of Untersturmig, Germany. These creatures swam around in the Jurassic period (200-145 million years ago). The scale in the second image is in inches. Thanks Mark Palatas for allowing me to photograph it. | Impressum