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Monday, 20 October 2014

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Hiking Into Grand Gulch Utah - Cedar Mesa Sandstone and Ruins 

Earthly Musings [2014-10-20 02:34:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (673 visits) info

 Permian,Jurassic; IT,PT,HU,AR,US,ES
Many of you will remember a hike I completed last October in southern Utah (link here). This year, a similar group of friends went into Grand Gulch, a marvelous little canyon located on Cedar Mesa. You can access the BLM web site for Grand Gulch here.I am including many photos from this six-day hike but little details on specific locations. A hike in Grand Gulch requires knowledge of changing conditions, stamina, and proper gear. It is a long ways away from help. But for those who are prepared, [...] | Impressum