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UC Berkeley Geography Department map sale: Everything must go!


Detail of a 1895 topographic map of San Francisco from the USGS Store

15 December 2012: 9 AM – 3 PM in McCone Hall.

Join us at the McCone’s west entrance.

The Department of Geography is having a final map sale December 15, 2012 from 9am-3pm in McCone Hall.

As we march into the modern era of digital images and projectors in every classroom the space required to house a standing map collection has been reallocated to new laboratories.

We have a wide variety of flat maps, but the largest share of the maps are 7.5 and 15 minute topographic quads, priced at 50¢ a piece. Most maps will be priced at the following increments: 50¢, $1, $2, $5. There are a few intriguing maps and map sets that are priced higher.

Come early to get the best selection. Come late to get the best deals. We’ll be selling the maps in bulk at the end of the day, so those of you who are looking for a large number of maps for art projects, wrapping paper, etc., this is your chance.

For more information. see the Geography Department home page.


Original post blogged on b2evolution. | Impressum