Geobulletin alpha

News from the Geoblogosphere feed

New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

Blog post recommendation

Core Skills in the Geosciences: A Follow-up

Last April, I had a discussion with some of my fellow graduate students in the geology department here at UB about teaching. One topic raised by those of us working with senior undergraduates was the skills our students would need to have by the time they left the department. We realized that many students take winding paths on the way to finishing a major for various reasons, including that they transferred from another school, they switched majors, or they are double-majoring and have time conflicts. A winding path isn’t necessarily detrimental as long as the students come out of the process with a solid geoscience skillset. But what should that skillset include? | Impressum