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New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

Blog post recommendation

Mars Icebreaker Life Mission

The Sample Handling System for the Mars Icebreaker Life Mission: From Dirt to Data Authors: 1. Arwen Davé (a,b) 2. Sarah J. Thompson (a,c) 3. Christopher P. McKay (a) 4. Carol R. Stoker (a) 5. Kris Zacny (d) 6. Gale Paulsen (d) 7. Bolek Mellerowicz (d) 8. Brian J. Glass (a) 9. David Willson (a,e) 10. Rosalba Bonaccorsi (a,f) 11. Jon Rask (g) Affiliations: a. NASA Ames | Impressum