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New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

Blog post recommendation

Geology Through the Radio - Pompeii

Listening to the radio the other day this song caught my ear. Little did I realize what the title of the song was (Pompeii by Bastille). Then actually listening to the lyrics, I realized that that was what the song was actually about (not some fancy title that has nothing to do with the song what-so-ever).

Here are a set of the lyrics for instance:"And the walls kept tumbling downIn the city that we loveGreat clouds roll over the hillsBringing darkness from above"
 Some questions that could be asked of this song:
1. What event is the song referring to?2. What are the "great clouds" composed of?3. What happened to the city that the song is referring to? | Impressum