Geobulletin alpha

News from the Geoblogosphere feed

New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

Blog post recommendation

Help please - Saltford railway path - 2nd, 3rd October

Excavation work on the Railway Path at Saltford starts on the 2nd & 3rd
  I had hoped to have a few people to assist.
The most important thing is that there are adequate helpers to work with the
public so that we avoid anyone being crushed by the digger but it will also
provide an opportunity to follow the progress of the dig.  The warm weather
looks to continue in our favour.
If you know of anyone who can help - please get them to give me a call
(01373 474086) or email

A few hours here and there will help enormously by giving others a break and
providing company.  It should be a really interesting project with the potential of uncovering some really interesting fossils/geology. | Impressum