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New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

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Non-standard use of Web GIS on the example of OpenWebGIS functionality

In this article we consider the use OpenWebGIS, as one of the free Web GISs for analyzing of buildings drawings, as well as mapping and measurement of small-scale objects that are demanded in archeology, architecture, biology, medicine and other fields of human activity. Tell me, how many online Web GISs can use the maximum zooming ratio of more than 19? Those Web GISs which use OpenStreetMap as a base map, generally have a maximum zoom to 19. Those Web GISs which use Google Maps as a base map, can increase to no more than 19-20, but in some cases this…

The post Non-standard use of Web GIS on the example of OpenWebGIS functionality appeared first on Digital Geography. | Impressum