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Blog post recommendation

Digonella digona brachiopod from Ranville, France

I've featured the brachiopod Digonella digona on my blog previously, about four years ago, with specimens that came from Luc sur Mer, Calvados Department, France. The specimen below comes from a quarry near Ranville, which is inland and south from Luc sur Mer. The fossil is preserved with a black colored calcite compared to the tan and grey of the other specimens. It also comes from Bathonian aged sediments (Jurassic) and likely the same rock formation. The shell of the species is longer than wide with a flat anterior margin and no evidence of a sulcus. Typical of the Terebratulid order, there is a large, round foramen in the beak of the umbo on the pedicle valve.

Brachial valve
Pedicle valve

Thanks to Gery for sending me this fossil! | Impressum