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Pan Pacific Palaeoseismology symposium

Last week I was delighted to welcome fellow academics, friends and collaborators from Potsdam Universty, Ghent University, Durham University and The Geological Survey of Belgium to join me for a symposium on subduction zone palaeoseismology. The day-long meeting was an opportunity to present and discuss the different approaches that we use when studying past earthquakes, tsunamis and subduction zone behaviour. Coinciding with Dr Daniel Melnick's Distinguished International Visit, the Pan Pacific Palaeoseismology symposium was hosted by the Department of Geography, Durham University.

Prebends Bridge across the River Wear, close to the Geography Department
Three sessions saw presentations and discussion on the themes of Extending Historical Catalogues, Recurrence and Segmentation and Recent Crustal Deformation. The small size and informality of the meeting proved an ideal setting for the exchange of ideas about each of our  current research areas and in-depth discussions of emerging themes in the field.

PPP delegates continue discussions over lunch in the Anne Galbraith Room, Durham University
I'd like to thank all of those who attended and presented their research. Thanks must also go to those who supported the meeting, including the Department of Geography at Durham University and the QuakeRecNankai project. The success of the meeting and the enthusiasm shown by the delegates means that we'll tentatively plan to organise a similar gathering next year. | Impressum