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Carbonate Geophysics, Japan and YouTube

Just returned from a trip to China and Japan.

China included a side trip to Beijing for a visit with the BGP President Guo Liang. The main China event the Gravity and Magnetics (GEM) conference in Chengdu co-sponsored by SEG and CGS (Chinese Geophysical Society). About 300 attended GEM including 50 from outside China. I did not see the giant Panda that Chengdu is famous for, but we did take a wonderful tour of a temple district and experienced a traditional Hot Pot restaurant.

In Japan, my host was Dr. Jun Matsushita (University of Tokyo) who spoiled me relentlessly. Had a very good meeting with SEG Japan president Dr. Saito, executive of the SEGJ board Dr. Chiba and Dr. Osawa also of the SEG Board. On 24 April I gave a short talk on Carbonate Geophysics at the JOGMEC research office. I have posted that talk in two parts to YouTube.  Enjoy.

Brief Carbonate Geophysics (part 1)

Brief Carbonate Geophysics (part 2) | Impressum