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New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

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Desolation in Hayden Valley

Everyone so often in Yellowstone I find myself off the beaten path, on an older track less traveled, sometimes by choice and sometimes by accident (and hopefully not face first into a hot spring). A few weeks ago, my path took me beyond the boardwalks and well-traveled trails of the Park, into an area of Hayden Valley where few people venture. The old road less traveled in Hayden Valley

However, another ranger and I were not hoping to see wolves, or grizzlies, or any other habitués of Hayden’s lush, green, sage-covered hills. The wildflowers were nice, I must admit, and we did see a few bison, plus a nice surprise fly-by at the end of the hike. Nevertheless, they were all just background compared to the real show at Crater Hills.
Hayden Valley
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