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New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

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Cleaning, Sorting, Consolidating recent finds.

Hey All, I just got back from a vacation to Texas, Oklahoma, Utah, Wyoming and Colorado and am working on cleaning and identifying my finds. Sorry for the lack of updates but I will be back in a week or two with new content. In the meantime, enjoy some scenery from the places I visited.

Ammonite in North Texas

Bois d'Arc formation in Oklahoma

Green River formation in Kemmerer, WY

Neozoic Rhyolite flows with Geodes from Dugway, UT

Weeks formation, limestone near Delta, UT

Marjum formation near Delta, UT

Green River formation Douglass Pass, Colorado

An old fossil on top of Pikes Peak, Colorado | Impressum