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New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

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Guest blog by Sascha Schneiderwind (RWTH Aachen University): Multiparametric trenching investigations

Greece is one of the main targets of RWTH Aachen’s Neotectonics & Geohazards group. They worked on paleo-tsunamis, active faults on the Peloponnese and in Attica, and on the application of terrestrial LiDAR and shallow geophysics for active tectonics research. In their latest paper, Sascha Schneiderwind et al. developed a methodology to aid paleoseismic trenching studies. They use t-LiDAR and georadar to better and more objectively characterise lithological units. Here is his guest blog: Back in 2013, we did a | Impressum