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New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

Blog post recommendation

19th April - GWR Electrification

Piles, Piles, and More Piles!
Great Western Railway- Geotechnical Engineering for Electrification

19th April 2016, 6.30pm - Refreshments from 6pm
The Western Regional Group is pleased to invite Jon Esser to give an overview of the Great Western Electrification Programme from the perspective of the geotechnical discipline and also drawing on some wider project challenges.
The Great Western Electrification Programme (GWEp) aims to electrify one of Britain’s oldest and busiest railways, providing greener, more reliable journeys and improving connections across southern England and South Wales. Electrification will improve services and help support economic growth across many of our cities and towns.
Using case studies from the GWEp network, Jon will be presenting the main considerations and challenges that have been faced by the geotechnical team, from initial design development through to detailed design and during installation.
For full details, please download the FLYER
Venue: The Hub, 500 Aztec West, Almondsbury, Bristol, BS32 4RZ | Impressum