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Blog post recommendation

Visiting Instructor in Paleobiology. University of South Florida

The School of Geosciences at the University of South Florida in Tampa seeks a Visiting Instructor in Paleobiology to begin August 2016. The position is for one academic year, with the possibility of a summer appointment and the possible extension for a second and/or third year. Minimum qualifications are a Ph.D. at the time of employment in a relevant geoscience discipline, with a preference for faculty with expertise in paleontology and stratigraphy and experience in introductory and upper-level undergraduate teaching. Research is not required for this position but is encouraged. USF Geosciences has four full-time paleobiology faculty with expertise in paleoecology, phylogenetics, biomechanics, and physical anthropology and state-of-the-art analytical facilities for teaching and research.

To apply, please visit, search for Visiting Instructor in Paleobiology (Job ID 10210) and attach a letter of interest, CV, and provide names and contact information for three references. Position is open until filled. Applications will be reviewed beginning June 3, 2016 but will be accepted until the position is filled.

For additional information, contact Greg Herbert ( or visit the School of Geosciences website at | Impressum