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New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

Blog post recommendation

Dino Combats: Daspletosaurus Vs Gorgosaurus

    Recently I decided to make some blogs called Dino Combats. The first will be… Daspletosaurus versus Gorgosaurus,! Daspletosaurus: length 9m/30ft weight 3.8t advantages: larger bite force, bulkier disadvantages: less agile Gorgosaurus: length 9m/30ft weight  2.8t advantages : more agile, faster disadvantages :less bulky, smaller biteforce Ready? Sweet. Lets do this! P.S. I’ll just call daspletosaurus D and the gorgosaurus G.   D wanders in the [...] | Impressum