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New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

Blog post recommendation

Why Free Access to Scientific Journal

The Norwegian Journal of Geology is one out of a growing number of scientific journals making their journal freely available online. They also tell why they do this:

“ ... scientific papers are of limited value unless they are available to all interested readers. Our ambition is therefore to ensure the widest possible distribution of our journal.

In making the journal digitally available, we make NJG easier to access and handle for our society members and subscribers. By improved availability we also hope to increase the number of users of our journal.”

Thank you NJG. I think that this is the right (scientific) spirit. Hopefully more will follow.

A list of other peer-reviewed electronic journals dedicated to open access publishing in the field of Earth Sciences is found at .

To honour the openness my next post will feature one of the papers in the Norwegian Journal of Geology: Pockmarks in Spitsbergen fjords. | Impressum