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April 7th - Caves and Cannibals: a Mendip persepctive

Bath Geological Society invites you to an evening lecture on Thursday April 7th. 'Caves and Cannibals: a Mendip perspective' will be presented by Professor Danielle Shreve.
The area of the Mendip Hills in Somerset contains some of the most important Pleistocene cave sites in western Europe in terms of their vertebrate assemblages, Palaeolithic archaeological finds and early human remains. These sites span the period from c. 500,000 years ago until the end of the Pleistocene, c.10,000 years ago and provide a unique insight into changing climates and patterns of animal and human movement and behaviour. This lecture reviews some of the classic localities, such as Westbury-sub-Mendip and Gough’s Cave, focussing on the inferred age and palaeoenvironmental signatures of the fossil faunas, the taphonomic origins of the deposits and the significance of the archaeological assemblages. In addition, new research from a previously unexplored cave containing a rich terminal Pleistocene fauna will also be presented.
The talk begins at 7.30 p.m. at the BRLSI, 16 Queen Square, Bath. Everyone is welcome - visitors £4.00 - free refreshments. | Impressum