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New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

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A Bit of Facebook Business

Facebook has seen some pretty cool happenings lately in the paleo scene, so I figured I'd take the chance to point you to some groups and pages that will do nothing less than delight you to exhaustion. This post may have popped up in an earlier form in your reader of choice. Sorry about that!

Carl Buell IllustrationWhen Glendon Mellow, John Hawks, and I discussed Science-Art at ScienceOnline in January, one of the artists we wanted to talk about was Carl Buell, highly esteemed for his captivating takes on Cenozoic mammals, early tetrapods, and just about any critter dead or alive. When we clicked on our link to show some of his work on Flickr, we found to our horror that his account was gone. Well, he's back in a big way with the Carl Buell Illustration facebook page, where he's been sharing new and old work with insightful write-ups. Delightful guy, and it's fun to interact with him and fellow fans.
ART EvolvedThe paleoart enthusiasts of ART Evolved also set up shop on FB recently. With new folks recently joining in at the AE blog, including yours truly, it should be a good place for congenial conversation about the site's happenings.
SkeletalDrawing.comNow, you can keep up with Scott Hartman's new skeletal diagrams on Facebook, too. He started the group last fall but has just now been posting to it, so hop on this train before it's too late.
PaleoexhibitNobu Tamura started this one up recently, and it's featured especially vigorous conversations about the paleoart meltdown. Dedicated to discussion of paleoartistic subjects, it's been a really nice way to bring together folks who normally frequent disparate bits of the web and live all over the world. This is a "group" rather than a page, so it's invite-only. But if you want in, hit me up.
Project DryptosaurusThat ferocious Brett Booth Dryptosaurus is a sign that you're in the right place to keep up with Gary's ongoing campaign to increase awareness of New Jersey's deep past and signature tyrannosaur.

LITCNot exactly recently, but I've set up there, too. New post alerts are posted automatically via twitterfeed, but I also try to share notable news stories, cool artwork, items from the LITC vault, and other nifty stuff at least once a day. | Impressum