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New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

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The 2nd Pop Culture Gallery

Happy September everyone! 
After our first three-month gap between galleries, we bring you the next gathering of stunning artwork - all about the fusion of prehistoric critters and pop culture!  We had so much fun the first go around, it's time for our 2nd Pop Culture Gallery!

 If you would like to add your art to these talented folk, simply send Art Evolved your work and we will add it to this gallery!  Our address is

Without further ado, ART Evolved's 2nd Pop Culture Gallery.

PLEASE Click on each to ENLARGE them:

 Alien Raptor by Yul AltolaguirreZancajo

The Raptor Alien, also known as the Raptor Xenomorph, is a Xenomorph spawned from theropod dinosaurs like the dromaeosaurids.


 The Eleventh Doctor Riding a Brachylophosaurus by Harrison Cooper 

 Tweet Tweet by the Doctor Smnt2000
Not all canaries are pretty... Starring Teratophoenus as Tweety's grandpa

See more of his awesome work on his blog here.

 Andrewsarchus Does Everyone A Favour! by James Appleby

 Claws of War by Craig Dylke

 Dapper Raptor by Peter Bond

We hope you have enjoyed our second go round with pop culture creatures!  If you want to join in the fun, send your work to

Stay tuned for our announcement of the next gallery in December (which will be quite dinosaurian in topic! :) | Impressum