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Tuesday, 02 December 2014

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Seems It Finally Rains In Southern California (and it snows too!) 

Dan\'s Wild Wild Science Journal [23:51:16]  recommend  recommend this post  (114 visits) info
Heavy rain and snow is moving into California tonight, as an intense surface/upper level low pressure system taps warm tropical air to the south and shoves it into California. California gets most of its rain in winter and you might be surprised to know that most if it comes from just 5-6 storms. The water vapor imagery from the GOES shows the storm well. Keep in mind that you are

We’ve Got a New Website! 

Utah Geological Survey - blog [23:36:54]  recommend  recommend this post  (114 visits) info
Hey friends! We apologize for the quiet last couple of weeks here on the blog, we have been working around the clock on a special project. We are excited to announce that we have a beautiful NEW WEBSITE!! Be sure to check it out as we make the transition, and be sure to subscribe to

Did life on Mars exist? New insights into organic carbon in the Tissint meteorite 

Gunnars Geo-Blog [21:42:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (125 visits) info
     It was July 2011 when the Martian meteorite Tissint fell to Earth. An international research team has found organic carbon in rock sections of the meteorite and precisely unraveled its petrographic [...]

Karnivore Pflanzen aus dem Baltischen Bernsteinwald 

Gunnars Geo-Blog [21:35:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (139 visits) info
     Ein Forscherteam der Universitäten Göttingen, Bielefeld und der Botanischen Staatssammlung München hat die weltweit ersten fossilen Klebfallen einer fleischfressenden (karnivoren) Pflanze [...]


Mente et Malleo [21:11:05]  recommend  recommend this post  (77 visits) info
Spinosaurus war nicht nur (möglicherweise) der größte Raubsaurier, er war auch lange zeit einer der rätselhaftesten. Sein Skelett ging im Inferno des 2. Weltkrieges verloren. Wenn es um Dinosaurier, um die [...]

Seeing Stars with James Wooten: A solstice and a shower for December 

BEYONDbones [20:30:48]  recommend  recommend this post  (79 visits) info
This month, Mars remains in the southwest at dusk this month as it moves through Capricornus. Mars continues to fade a little each night as Earth continues to leave it farther behind.  Jupiter is now high in [...]

Die Menge schützt nicht immer 

Gunnars Geo-Blog [20:06:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (146 visits) info
Wenn Fischschwärme angegriffen werden, formen sie etwas, das im Englischen als bait Ball bezeichnet wird. Manchmal kann sich dieses verhalten aber auch als Weg in den Untergang entpuppen. Wenn die Feinde sehr [...]


Dinosaur Home - Blogs [19:36:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (102 visits) info

Sonar To Aid Lake Huron Trout Restoration 

Lake Scientist [16:20:32]  recommend  recommend this post  (98 visits) info
Sonar technology commonly used to study shipwrecks in Lake Huron is helping scientists learn more about trout habitat there, according to the Great Lakes Echo. Data collected in the effort[...] The post Sonar [...]

Os saurópodes de Gnatalie (Utah) no 74th Annual Meeting da SVP, Berlin 

ALT-SOCIEDADE DE HISTÓRIA NATURAL [15:29:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (173 visits) info
 Cretaceous,Jurassic; DE,US,UM,ES,BR
 José Soler (NHM LAC) e Pedro Mocho (UAM/SHN) trabalhando sobre uma acumulação de vértebras caudaisDepois de várias campanhas em Utah (EUA), apresentámos no encontro anual da Society of Vertebrate [...]

Powerful thrusts hit Oklahoma (earthquakes) 

Ontario-geofish [14:42:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (130 visits) info
M3.6  with a ridiculous intensity map for this size of earthquake. I'm quite sad that the USGS isn't producing the fault plane solutions.  The 6 may be out of line, but there are a lot of 4's.  Normally [...]

Behutsam unseren Boden nutzen 

Netzwerk für geowissenschaftliche Öffentlichkeitsarbeit [12:25:05]  recommend  recommend this post  (74 visits) info
Festveranstaltung zum Boden des Jahres 2015 Welttag des Bodens Termin:

Geological Advent Calendar 

Geology in the West Country [11:31:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (136 visits) info
Follow the GS Advent

Lenticular Clouds on Cascades Volcanoes, Part II (still no alien landings noted) 

Geotripper [08:42:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (190 visits) info
Volcanoes are endlessly fascinating for so many reasons, not the least of which is the way they make their own weather. Mt. Shasta, at the south end of the Cascades Range is no exception, as it rises around [...]

December 2, 2014 News [07:10:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (137 visits) info
Turn Your Smartphone Into a Digital Microscope! on YouTube Seismometers to Measure DC ShakingUnited States Geological Survey The Legendary Snowmastodon Fossil Site in ColoradoUnited States [...]

Magnitude 4.7 earthquake rocks Sedona-Flagstaff area 

Arizona Geology [01:16:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (169 visits) info
 AZGS released the following statement this afternoon: A magnitude (M) 4.7 earthquake shook Sedona and Flagstaff in Sunday evening. The event occurred at 10:57 p.m. about 7 miles north of Sedona, near Munds [...]

Records of 11 aftershocks from Sedona M=4.7 earthquake 

Arizona Geology [00:56:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (191 visits) info
The helicorder station at Flagstaff captured the records of the magnitude 4.7 earthquake last night between Sedona and Flagstaff and 11 aftershocks.  Most occurred in the two hours following the main shock, [...]

El lliscament pla del Pas de la Devesa (Berguedà) 

Bloc de camp [00:31:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (97 visits) info
Donar als geòlegs visualitzadors cartogràfics online com el de l'IGCC o el Street View ha estat com donar ulleres de raig X als guipaires. De les moltíssimes aplicacions que tenen una de les millors és [...]

Gab es Leben auf dem Mars? Neue Erkenntnisse zu organischem Kohlenstoff im Meteoriten Tissint 

Gunnars Geo-Blog [21:39:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (153 visits) info
     Im Juli 2011 schlug der Marsmeteorit Tissint in Marokko auf. Ein internationales Forschungsteam hat in Gesteinsproben des Meteoriten organischen Kohlenstoff gefunden und ihn in Zusammenhang mit den [...]

Student Profile: Jessica Cunningham 

State of the Planet [21:17:43]  recommend  recommend this post  (107 visits) info
For Jessica Cunningham, the MPA in Environmental Science and Policy program offers the ideal tools for a successful career in environmental policy. By combining an innovative science curriculum with [...]

Snotworms For Dinner 

Laelaps [20:50:54]  recommend  recommend this post  (89 visits) info
Deep in the sea, on the denuded carcasses of whales, there live humble little scavengers. They’re the snotworms,

Weather Delay 

polar soils blog [20:16:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (132 visits) info
Well, our flight was delayed due to bad weather at the field site. Because the plane has to land on a glacier, rather than a proper runway, the weather needs to be perfect. Since we're hanging out around [...]


Dinosaur Home - Blogs [19:44:38]  recommend  recommend this post  (97 visits) info

Tuesday Update - November 30 Oak Creek Canyon Earthquake 

Earthly Musings [18:47:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (163 visits) info
Geologists have developed clever ways to peer deep beneath the earth's surface and these tools are being utilized to get a clearer picture of the November 30 earthquake in Oak Creek Canyon. In addition, [...]

Geosonnet 21 

Lounge of the Lab Lemming [15:33:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (157 visits) info
Our early atmosphere was quite anoxic ‘till early algae terraformed the Earth. One grand event, replacing gasses toxic? Or did O oscillate since life’s first birth? Did evolution make fate manifest? [...]

Os saurópodes de Gnatalie (Utah) no 74th Annual Meeting of the SVP 

Dinosaurios (el cuaderno de Godzillín) [15:27:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (140 visits) info
 José Soler (NHM LAC) e Pedro Mocho (UAM/SHN) trabalhando sobre uma acumulação de vértebras caudais Depois de várias campanhas em Utah (EUA), apresentámos no encontro anual da Society of Vertebrate [...]

T-Rex Fossil Mug 

Koprolitos [13:55:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (113 visits) info
Una taza muy guapa la que se han currado en ThinkGeek. Y la historia que se han inventado para venderla no te la dejes atrás: "Es un hecho poco conocido que cuando los grandes dinosaurios vagaban por la [...]

Door 2: On this day… 

Geological Society of London blog [11:51:19]  recommend  recommend this post  (119 visits) info
Welcome to the advent calendar ‘On this Day…’ mini-series! I’m going to focus on historical geohazard events, starting with the ‘December Giant’ Sinkhole, which formed on [...]

what is a femtosecond, anyway? 

The Musings of a Life-Long Scholar [11:02:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (82 visits) info
I have started a new job which will involve running a Laser-ablation ICP-MS. As a result I have been doing a fair bit of reading on the subject, and, in the process learning (and re-learning) a fair bit of [...]

Sachsen trägt Porphyr 

Netzwerk für geowissenschaftliche Öffentlichkeitsarbeit [07:19:54]  recommend  recommend this post  (120 visits) info
Ein Vortrag von Dipl.-Geogr. Wolfram Heidenfelder (GEOmontan): Geowissenschaftliches Kolloquium Wann:

Lonchodina Conodont Fossil 

Louisville Area Fossils [03:30:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (132 visits) info
 Carboniferous; US
This image shows what appears to be a Lonchodina conodont fossil. This creature existed in the Mississippian Period. Fossil was found in the Jacob Chapel Shale of Clark County Indiana USA. Source for ID [...]

AEG BWH Christmas Dinner Party Dec. 18, 2014 

DC Geology Events [01:08:06]  recommend  recommend this post  (124 visits) info
Geologists and students: I want to personally invite you, your spouse, your friend, and your colleagues to the December 18th, 2014 AEG-BWH Christmas dinner party. We will hear a bang-up talk about rockfall [...]

Landslides in the Movies Part 2: The Railway Children (1970) 

The Landslide Blog [00:50:10]  recommend  recommend this post  (138 visits) info
The 1970 movie The Railway Children featured a translational landslide that blocked a railway track. Fortunately three children were on hand to save the | Impressum