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Wednesday, 07 January 2015

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Darwin, Homo Sapiens And The Dinosaur Fossils 

Dinosaur Home - Blogs [02:23:43]  recommend  recommend this post  (188 visits) info
An excellent and recent Blog by RandomScientist on cloning brought to mind a thought. Einstein liked to do thought experiments. Let’s consider evolution as Darwin defined it as a species path towards perfection within a life-cycle niche for survival. Have you ever considered that man, as a species, has existed for less than a million years.

A mafic sill in Antarctica 

Mountain Beltway [01:40:18]  recommend  recommend this post  (177 visits) info
My friend and colleague Lauren Michel, the King Family Fellow at the Perot Museum of Nature and Science in Dallas, Texas, sent me this image from her recent trip to Antarctica: (click to enlarge) This is a beautiful example of a mafic igneous sill, probably of the rock known as “dolerite” (or diabase, to us Yanks). Lauren and I think it must be part of the Ferrar Large Igneous Province.

Die Säulen der Schöpfung 

Mente et Malleo [00:38:58]  recommend  recommend this post  (177 visits) info
Das Jahr 2015 markiert auch das 25-jährige Jubiläum des Weltraumteleskops Hubble. Und wie es bei Geburtstagen so üblich ist, gibt es auch Geschenke, wenn auch in diesem Fall etwas verfrüht (das Teleskop [...]

Wind Chill Is NOT How Cold It Feels, But Bundle Up Anyway! 

Dan\'s Wild Wild Science Journal [23:47:46]  recommend  recommend this post  (171 visits) info
With wind chills almost certainly reaching -30 or lower across the Eastern U.S. tonight, I thought you might be interested in some information about what it does and does not measure. First of all, water will [...]

The Paleontological Society’s Arthur James Boucot Research Grants 2015 

WeBlog Aragosaurus [12:55:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (162 visits) info
 Devonian,Silurian,Ordovician; US
The Paleontological Society’s Arthur James Boucot Research Grants support early career paleontologists in the fields of morphology, taxonomy, and biostratigraphy, working on any taxa, preferably with some [...]

Wrapping up the Field Season 

polar soils blog [01:51:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (159 visits) info
We've been spending a lot of time on the microscopes looking at our samples. We are interested in the invertebrates living in the soil. At Rothera, we've only been able to look at the larger invertebrates, [...]

Poland Township: un caso di sismicità indotta direttamente dal fracking e non dalla successiva reiniezione dei liquidi di flow - back 

scienzeedintorni [10:53:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (151 visits) info
 Ordovician; GR,US,PL,IT
A pochi giorni di distanza da quando ho parlato del probabile blocco del fracking nello stato di New York torno a parlare di questa tecnica per una notizia importante. Fino ad oggi i terremoti non erano [...]

Greed, spitting and golden balls 

JOIDES Resolution blogs [06:25:09]  recommend  recommend this post  (148 visits) info

Spain and Mt Polley 

I think mining [21:16:57]  recommend  recommend this post  (147 visits) info
I have spent the past few weeks in Rota, Spain with my son and family.  The sun shines on the house patio—most times. Athough some days the mist endures all day and it is cold.   Today the sun [...]

January 7, 2015 News [07:10:20]  recommend  recommend this post  (139 visits) info
The Link Between Wet Soil and WeatherNASA M6.0 Earthquake and Aftershocks Shake New ZealandRadio New Zealand Shell Builds the World’s Biggest ShipBBC South Wales Caving Club Visits the Deepest Cave in [...]

Lyons and Lions in Seattle 

New Stories in Stone [17:44:43]  recommend  recommend this post  (136 visits) info
One of the most unusual building stones in Seattle is the Lyons ... [ continue

Wuthering heights 

Polluting the Internet [10:00:20]  recommend  recommend this post  (136 visits) info
Aerosol particles typically have short life spans in the atmosphere (days to weeks) but they can travel far and wide in that time. They can be lifted up to new horizons, higher and higher in the atmosphere. [...]

Frischer Impaktkrater im Elysium Planitia, Mars 

Gunnars Geo-Blog [20:45:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (126 visits) info

Die Jagd nach den Mikroben 

JOIDES Resolution blogs [15:41:51]  recommend  recommend this post  (120 visits) info
Ist der Bohrkern an Bord, fallen diverse Wissenschaftler über ihn her. Es wird fotografiert, magnetisch vermessen, radioaktiv durchstrahlt, mit Zahnstochern in ihm herumgestochert, ihm werden Proben entrissen [...]


drip | david’s really interesting pages... [19:57:17]  recommend  recommend this post  (113 visits) info

Dinosaur Tournament Season 3, Part 6 

Dinosaur Home - Blogs [00:26:02]  recommend  recommend this post  (173 visits) info
So today, I decided to make a dinosaur tournament with 16 dinosaurs. I want you to choose who you think will win in a fight out of the dinosaurs below. Pachyrhinosaurus VS Xenoceratops Cronosaurus VS [...]

Syringopora hisingeri Coral Fossil on Stromatoporid 

Louisville Area Fossils [03:30:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (167 visits) info
 Devonian; US
These fossils appear to be a Syringopora hisingeri coral on a stromatoporid. They were found in the Jeffersonville Limestone of Jefferson County Kentucky USA. The corals existed in the Devonian Period. [...]

GeoTalk: Stacia Gordon 

GeoLog-The official blog of the European Geosciences Union [13:30:18]  recommend  recommend this post  (160 visits) info
Geotalk is a regular feature highlighting early career researchers and their work. Following the EGU General Assembly, we spoke to Stacia Gordon, the winner of the Tectonics and Structural Geology Division [...]

Geology Word of the Week: I is for Ice 

Georneys [23:05:35]  recommend  recommend this post  (153 visits) info
def. Ice: Water (H2O) in a solid state. When naturally occurring, ice is considered a mineral. There are many forms of ice: lake ice, river ice, sea ice, snow, glaciers, ice caps, ice sheets, and frozen ground [...]

Copper prices at 4-year low 

Arizona Geology [14:38:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (150 visits) info
Copper prices fell on world markets to a 4-year low yesterday, with New York March futures settling at $2.7585 a pound.    That's down from $3.38 a year ago. Arizona produces about 2/3 of the copper used [...]

It’s a ruminant snout, deer 

Green Tea and Velociraptors [13:33:27]  recommend  recommend this post  (147 visits) info
So the last couple of posts have been a bit of an eclectic mix of open access-y stuff and some of the research I’ve been doing on crocodiles as part of my PhD. This one is gonna be a bit of a change, [...]

How to Pick up Pliocene Takeout 

Laelaps [23:17:54]  recommend  recommend this post  (146 visits) info
[Note: This post was originally published on January 7th, 2 million years before present.] I’m sure you know

Bagaimana kalau harga minyak anjlok 20$/bbl ? 

Dogeng Geology [12:44:11]  recommend  recommend this post  (138 visits) info

Sampai berapa ? How low can you go ? Bagaimana kalau harga minyak 20$/bbl ? Salah satu artikel yang saya baca dari media bisnis di UK mengatakan bukan hal yang tidak mungkin harga merosot hingga 20$. karena [...]

Pegaster stichos A Cretaceous California starfish example of Paleo History!! 

Echinoblog [20:18:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (136 visits) info
 Cretaceous; US,JP
This week, I am in California on my way to Japan! I am visiting the world-renowned Invertebrate Zoology & Geology department at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco!  I used to work here [...]

Am I following a cottonwood of the bitter kind? 

In the Company of Plants and Rocks [17:05:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (134 visits) info
The Laramie River is lined with the wrong kind of cottonwood, including mine (left).... we arrived on the 10th March at a small branch of the North fork of the Platte, where we found an abundance of [...]

A Stunning Photograph: No Human Has Seen Such a Thing 

Geotripper [07:21:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (122 visits) info
One of my most vivid memories as a child was the time our family paid a visit to the telescope and observatory on top of Mt. Palomar in Southern California. I'm not sure how old I was, perhaps 8 or so, and I [...]

Los gouzous dinosaurianos de Jace 

Koprolitos [10:13:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (119 visits) info
Los gouzous son unos muñequitos que pueblan las paredes de muchos lugares del mundo desde que fueron creados en 1992 por el artista Jace, natural de Le Havre (Francia) y que actualmente reside en la isla de [...]

alternative Behandlungsmethoden haben einen negativen Einfluss auf Krebstherapien 

Gunnars Geo-Blog [12:48:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (111 visits) info
"Was kann es schon schaden" ist ja ein altbekanntes Argument der Vertreter der Alternativmedizin. Soll gemeinhin wohl heißen, "wenn es vielleicht auch nichts nützt, kann es wenigstens auch [...] | Impressum