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Tuesday, 17 January 2017

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Random Geology Photos - Flight over the Great Salt Lake 

The Geology P.A.G.E. [22:21:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (686 visits) info
Going through some old photos, I came across these that I took as we were flying over the Great Salt Lake on my flight from Salt Lake City to Las Vegas.   A view of the salt marshes to the east of the Great Salt Lake.  Antelope Island, which was formerly an island in the lake, however dropping water levels have exposed the land to the east of the island, no longer making this an island.   Another former island, Stansbury Island, which is further to the west.   Not exactly of the [...]

Minor earthquake activity on TFZ (Tjörnes Fracture Zone) 

Iceland Volcano and Earthquake blog [17:40:58]  recommend  recommend this post  (678 visits) info
It is quiet in Iceland at the moment. Nothing much to report, so I’m reporting this minor earthquake activity in TFZ. Few earthquakes have happened in TFZ for the last 48 hours, most earthquakes have been small and the largest … Continue reading →

Longusorbus Crab From Shelter Point, Vancouver Island 

Dinosaur Home - Blogs [05:43:26]  recommend  recommend this post  (644 visits) info

Mount Sulzer – a series of dramatic, and extremely large, debris and ice avalanches 

The Landslide Blog [09:20:10]  recommend  recommend this post  (102 visits) info
Over the last three years a series of dramatic, and extremely large, debris and ice avalanches have occurred on Mount Sulzer in

How darkness and cold killed the dinosaurs 

Geospace [16:12:15]  recommend  recommend this post  (43 visits) info
Climate scientists have now reconstructed how tiny droplets of sulfuric acid formed high up in the air after a large asteroid impact 66 million years ago. The new research shows the sulfuric acid cooled [...]

New Video: The Geochemistry Dream Team! 

JOIDES Resolution blogs [21:12:07]  recommend  recommend this post  (36 visits) info
In my latest Youtube Video, meet the amazing Geochemistry Team of Expedition 366! They are helping to uncover the mysteries of serpentine mud volcanoes by [...]

3D Printed Turritella Shell 

Louisville Area Fossils [05:28:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (33 visits) info
Here are several images of a Turritella shell printed on a 3D printer. The design was created in modeling software. Link here: It was printed with glow in the dark [...]

Il problema del Ponte Vespucci a Firenze: prima di intervenire non sarà meglio verificare le condizioni generali dell'Arno? 

scienzeedintorni [11:06:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (32 visits) info
Ho già parlato di come venivano costruiti i ponti nel passato e di come oggi si sia un po' persa quella maestria. In questo ha anche influito l’evoluzione della tecnica, che ha consentito di costruire [...]

Los bolsos cuquis de Kate Spade 

Koprolitos [09:45:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (28 visits) info
Parece que los dinosaurios están de moda últimamente entre las grandes firmas de moda. Ya vimos por aquí la última campaña de Coach y ahora traemos estos glamourosos bolsos diseñados por la firma [...]

Cranbrook’s Cambrian Trilobites 

Dinosaur Home - Blogs [04:56:54]  recommend  recommend this post  (588 visits) info
 This is an Olenellus from the Eager Formation in Cranbrook, British Columbia. He and his Cambrian friends made their living in the soft muds that covered the area some 500 million plus years ago. Also found [...]

Bloom County and the EPA 

Accidental Remediation [02:17:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (65 visits) info
I happen to be a huge fan of Berkeley Breathed's... whatever cartoon series he's working on. I was going through an Bloom County book (publication year: 1984) that I've had forever, and I found a series that [...]

Non-condensable Cynicism in Santa Fe 

Real Climate [18:52:06]  recommend  recommend this post  (38 visits) info
Guest Post by Mark Boslough The Fourth Santa Fe Conference on Global & Regional Climate Change will be held on Feb 5-10, 2017. It is the fourth in a series organized and chaired by Petr Chylek of Los [...]

Lamont to Develop New Earthquake and Tsunami Warning System 

State of the Planet [23:48:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (34 visits) info
A new pilot program led by the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory aims to provide earlier and more accurate warnings of damaging ground-shaking from earthquakes and the imminent arrival of

¿Por qué tenemos remolinos de pelo? 

Mundo Neandertal [13:04:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (32 visits) info
Quién no ha sufrido alguna vez a su remolino del pelo. Tal vez al grado de hacerse la pregunta de por qué demonios nos complican la cabellera (si es que tenemos la suerte de contar con una). No es una [...]

The Distracted, Dysfunctional Presidential Transition and the EPA 

State of the Planet [16:09:37]  recommend  recommend this post  (31 visits) info
The presidential transition process will continue to contain distractions, disinformation and dysfunction, but my hope is that the people running our national government remember that we need clean air, water [...] | Impressum