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Sunday, 02 April 2017

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Trump inciting violence 

Ontario-geofish [13:46:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (201 visits) info
Reference I'm limiting myself to a tiny fraction of my morbid attraction to trumpy news.  Everybody in Canada has this disease right now.  In fact, for the last few days we've been dying because of the lack something truly outrageous.  Or, as addicts, we crave ever greater hits. So, I dug this up.  This is all about tone and situation.  Did Trump really say "Ok, Klan people, beat the

Fossils at the Normandy Cemetery 

Louisville Area Fossils [03:30:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (191 visits) info
On my last visit to France, I visited the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial. At the horseshoe shaped memorial, I found the remains of marine fossils in the limestone plates on the west face of the north loggia and the steps there. One plates with the carved text, I found what looks like the cross sections of crinoids. Reading a 2002 document about the cemetery from The

Living the Dream, Day 7 – A Grand Day in Grand Canyon 

WATCH FOR ROCKS - Travels of a Sharp-Eyed Geologist [00:43:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (178 visits) info
Occasionally in this life, we find that some days are better than others. Now and then, though, they all happen to be extraordinary. If we are lucky enough, we find each day to be as wonderful as the last. We [...]

Rock and Light: The Primal Elements of Death Valley, Monochrome Edition 

Geotripper [08:57:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (119 visits) info
Sorry for going all pseudo-Ansel Adams on you all. I was playing with the photo-editing program with the pictures that I used in yesterday's post, and at one point I switched to black and white. I'm [...]

Science on board - Quattro chiacchiere con un geofisico (Italiano) 

JOIDES Resolution blogs [06:34:57]  recommend  recommend this post  (98 visits) info
Ciao a tutti. Oggi vi presento uno degli Italiani a bordo della JOIDES Resolution. Si tratta di Jacopo Boaga, un geofisico dell'Universita' di Padova. [...]

Daspletosaurus horneri - all you need to know 

Geology in the West Country [10:48:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (146 visits) info
Face to face with Tyrannosaurus There seems to be an insatiable appetite for knowledge about dinosaurs, especially T. rex. Here is some more from the Guardian and from Ars Technica talking about the same [...]

Active faults at the front of the French Alps 

Stephane on Blogger Earthquakes, geology and related topics... but not only [14:02:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (113 visits) info
Metropolitan France is not famous for its earthquake activity: recordings and felt reports of modern earthquakes are sparse, popular memory of past ones is almost null and very few faults have been studied to [...]

Please remember to support my work with donations 

Iceland Volcano and Earthquake blog [20:54:50]  recommend  recommend this post  (82 visits) info
April-2017 is going to be one of those awful bill months for me. As it currently stands I’m in the negative once all the bills are paid. Without donations I would not be able to keep this website running as [...] | Impressum