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Monday, 14 October 2019

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Patologías en tortugas pleurodiras de Lo Hueco en las XXXV Jornadas de la SEP 

Dinosaurios (el cuaderno de Godzillín) [11:04:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (474 visits) info
Otro de los trabajos presentados por integrantes del Grupo de Biología Evolutiva de la UNED en las pasadas XXXV Jornadas de Paleontología de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología (SEP) fue el análisis preliminar de una patología en una tortuga pleurodira del Cretácico Superior de Lo Hueco (Fuentes, Cuenca). El análisis de la patología mediante la realización de un diagnóstico diferencial

Los mundos prehistóricos de Richard Hughes 

Koprolitos [10:54:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (461 visits) info
Hughes, visto por Chic Stone en “You’ll sleep as is you were dead” (1963, Adventures into the Unknown #140) Antes de nada y para que nadie se llame a engaño, este post no trata de Richard David Hughes (1975), batería de Keane, ni del también británico escritor (1900-76) Richard Arthur Warren Hughes (Huracán en Jamaica, 1929), sino del guionista de cómics norteamericano Richard E. Hughes, nacido Leo Rosenbaum (1909-74) y también conocido –entre otros muchos [1]- por el [...]

Merapi erzeugt Pyroklastischen Strom 

Florian Beckers Vulkan-Blog [20:48:05]  recommend  recommend this post  (460 visits) info
Heute ging am Merapi in Indonesien ein Pyroklastischer Strom ab. Er verursachte eine Aschewolke, die eine Höhe von gut 6000 m ü. N. N. erreichte. Das Vaac gab eine entsprechende VONA-Warnung heraus. In [...]

GIS Uses in Public Health 

Grindgis [15:33:38]  recommend  recommend this post  (276 visits) info
Geographic Information systems commonly referred to as GIS is a combination of several technological and scientific tools that are used in the management of Geographic relationships. The tools can manage the [...]

Datando fósiles humanos con el roedor Mimomys 

WeBlog Aragosaurus [11:32:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (154 visits) info
El importante fósil guía Mimomys savini de la Gran Dolina en Atapuerca es analizado y comparado con el de otros yacimientos del Pleistoceno inferior de Europa Un reciente estudio de Lozano-Fernández y [...]

How a rising mountain chain can reveal its hidden secrets 

Earth Learning Idea [17:15:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (135 visits) info
“Hooray and up she rises!*" How a rising mountain chain can reveal its hidden secrets Modelling how erosion of the top of a mountain range is accompanied by isostatic uplift, eventually exposing [...]

New Project Will Study Greenland’s Helheim Glacier in Unprecedented Detail 

State of the Planet [19:27:15]  recommend  recommend this post  (122 visits) info
Using drones, laser scanners, and high-resolution models, researchers hope to find out more about the processes driving rapid melting in this

Papers: Carbonate Sedimentology Tribute To Robert Ginsburg 

Reporting on a Revolution [09:10:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (91 visits) info
Dr. Robert Ginsburg, who spent much of his career studying the geological evolution of the Florida Keys died recently. The Depositional Record has an open access special issue in his honor packed with papers [...]

Travels in Cascadia: The Toughest Hike I'll Ever Do...Stawamus Chief in British Columbia 

Geotripper [10:05:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (83 visits) info
Note that I didn't say the toughest hike YOU will ever do. Every hiking experience is individual, and this one left me...breathless. Stawamus Chief is one of the most popular hikes in the Vancouver-Squamish [...]

Gingko huttoni Plant Fossil 

Louisville Area Fossils [05:45:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (280 visits) info
This image is of a Gingko huttoni plant fossil. The plant existed in the Jurassic Period. Fossil was discovered in Scarborough, England, United Kingdom. Gingko is considered a living fossil by Western science [...]

The Role of the University in Environmental Sustainability 

State of the Planet [14:30:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (214 visits) info
A model of engagement and connecting research and education to problem-solving is particularly important in the field of environmental

¿DE QUÉ ME SUENA SU CARA? Drama amoroso en un acto 

episcophagus [23:05:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (152 visits) info
Esta majaronada fue una improvisación para la fiesta del 7º Aniversaurio. Se propuso que quienes quisiéramos hiciéramos algo a partir de la frase ¿De qué me suena tu cara? y me vino a la mente una [...]

Anomalies of Sausal Creek: Dimond Canyon 

Oakland Geology [17:01:48]  recommend  recommend this post  (131 visits) info
This is the second of four posts about the peculiarities of Sausal Creek, going from its headwaters to the Bay. Here I’ll address Dimond Canyon, the 2-kilometer segment between the Warren Freeway and the [...]

2019 Earth Science Week Photography Competition Winners Announced! 

Geological Society of London blog [10:53:11]  recommend  recommend this post  (93 visits) info
Earth Science Week is here for 2019 and we are delighted to announce the winners of this year’s ‘Geoscience if for everyone’ photography competition! Continue reading →

Seriously Hardcore 

JOIDES Resolution blogs [19:40:34]  recommend  recommend this post  (88 visits) info
There is no doubt — we are now drilling into the sill. The next core brings an alternating sequence of... Read more

Wooster Records Wettest Year on Record 

Wooster Geologists [02:13:36]  recommend  recommend this post  (76 visits) info
Last year around this time, I reported on this blog that Wooster had just completed its third wettest year on record. A year later, the “wettest year” record has been broken. With continuous record-keeping [...]

La Vida En Medio Del Mar 

JOIDES Resolution blogs [02:49:45]  recommend  recommend this post  (57 visits) info
Bitácora de la expedición 385 Es un día soleado y tranquilo en la Cuenca de Guaymas. Creo que nunca había... Read more | Impressum