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New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

25th to 31st March 2019

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Author: Graeme
Date: 2019-03-23 15:30:00
Blog: Geology in the West Country


NEXT WEEKS EVENTS 25th to 31st March 2019  THE FOLLOWING IS AN EXTRACT FROM BRISTOL AND WEST COUNTRY GEOLOGY CALENDARS MORE DETAILS CAN BE FOUND IN THE BRISTOL AND THE WEST COUNTRY CALENDARS AND ON THE WEB SITES OF THE RELEVANT SOCIETY OR ORGANISATION. MONDAY 25TH Tuesday 26th wednesday 27th Somerset Earth Science - Lecture When Wed, 27 March, 19:00 – 21:00 Where Henton Church (Parking in the road) (map) Description Surviving the last Ice Age: a Mendip perspective Professor Shreve, of Royal Holloway University of London, will present the latest evidence from a new cave sequence in Ebbor Gorge which is shedding new light on how different species responded to abrupt climate change. Introduced by Terry Gifford Wednesday 27th March  7 for 7.30pm Henton Church (Parking in the road) Wine and soft drinks Tickets £5 Proceeds to Christ Church, Henton re-ordering fund. --------------------------------------- Bristol Nats - Lecture When Wed, 27 March, 19:30 – 21:00 Where room G8, Wills Memorial Building, University of Bristol, BS8 1RJ (map) Description COPPER PORPHYRY DEPOSITS & NEW DISCOVERIES REGARDING THEM, WITH REFERENCE ESPECIALLY TO RESEARCH INTO THE GEOSCIENCE OF THE CHILEAN DEPOSITS. Dr Brian Tattitch (of USA, Washington) and Ed Bunker (Bristol University) 7.30 p.m. Wednesday 27 March 2019 The talk will start with a fairly brief, but sufficient for those who do not know, introduction to the subject of Copper Porphyry Deposits, which are the biggest sources of mined copper in the world. This will be followed followed by some new, most engaging research discoveries from top research realms in their field of research. Dr Brian Tattitch and Ed Bunker have both been working with Prof Jon Blundy in the last couple of years, Prof Blundy being recent past head of Earth Sciences School, Bristol University and a Fellow of the Royal Society. The evening is planned to take a two part form with a break in the middle of the evening during which fragments from deposits will be able to be seen & handled (Do bring your own hand lens!) & a few helpful texts and papers as helpful background & engaging reading, will be there to be dipped into." Thursday 28th Friday 29th Saturday 30th Sunday 31st

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