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Monday, 27 June 2016

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Wind-Blown Antarctic Sea Ice Helps Drive Ocean Circulation 

State of the Planet [21:50:21]  recommend  recommend this post  (202 visits) info
Antarctic sea ice is constantly on the move as powerful winds blow it away from the coast and out toward the open ocean. A new study shows how that ice migration may be more important for the global ocean circulation than anyone

A tribute to Chris Squire 

Cambriangirl - Science! Geology! Writing! [21:41:16]  recommend  1 recommendations  (211 visits) info
One year since Chris Squire passed away. Not just one of the founding members of Yes, but the only member to stay in the band throughout their entire 60-year run until last year, his own death being the only reason for ever missing a gig. A beautiful and inspirational person who never stopped writing wondrous

Yellowstone hot springs: Upsetting your color scale 

Magma Cum Laude [21:05:52]  recommend  recommend this post  (246 visits) info
I was fortunate enough to spend several weeks in Yellowstone National Park this summer, doing geophysical surveys in hydrothermal areas. I’ll be talking about those elsewhere in a few weeks (keep an eye [...]

Carbon Pricing—A No-Brainer for Climate Change? 

State of the Planet [20:33:05]  recommend  recommend this post  (197 visits) info
Most economists and policy experts agree that the most effective and cheapest way to curb the carbon dioxide emissions that are warming the planet is to “put a price on carbon.” How effective are carbon [...]

Talk aus dem Labor 

Gunnars Geo-Blog [20:06:00]  recommend  1 recommendations  (263 visits) info
     Synthetischer Nanotalk hat einzigartige Eigenschaften und kann in wenigen Sekunden produziert werden Natürlicher Talk entsteht durch Metamorphose unter Felsgestein in Millionen von Jahren. [...]

Cottage Report 

Ontario-geofish [17:04:00]  recommend  4 recommendations  (183 visits) info
Finally getting pleasant.  We've been getting rain that has missed Toronto, so no big drought alert.  I remember the last time we had fires all over the place.  Those twin turbo water bombers are the bomb! [...]

Capping warming at 2 degrees: New study details pathways beyond Paris 

AGU Meetings [17:00:37]  recommend  recommend this post  (180 visits) info
Even if countries adhere to the Paris climate agreement hammered out last fall, capping global warming at 2 degrees Celsius (4 degrees Fahrenheit) would likely require net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2085 [...]

Williger, 1882. Die Löwenberger Kreidemulde [15:03:38]  recommend  recommend this post  (186 visits) info
G. Williger, 1882. Die Löwenberger Kreidemulde, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Fortsetzung in der preussischen Ober-Lausitz. Jahrbuch der Könglich Preussischen geologischen Landesanstalt und [...]

Was ist ein Vulkan? 

Florian Beckers Vulkan-Blog [14:51:50]  recommend  recommend this post  (152 visits) info
Vulkane sind Öffnungen in der Erdkruste aus denen Lava und vulkanische Gase entweichen. Sie dienen praktisch als Überdruckventile der Erde und fördern wichtige Stoffe an die Oberfläche. Ein Vulkanausbruch [...]

Die hässlichen Folgen des Brexit 

Mente et Malleo [13:43:43]  recommend  1 recommendations  (109 visits) info
Die Briten haben sich mit knapper Mehrheit entschieden, die EU zu verlassen. Das finde ich außerordentlich bedauerlich. Die Scheidung wird aller Voraussicht nach langwierig und hässlich werden. In diesem [...]


WeBlog Aragosaurus [12:05:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (171 visits) info
 Cretaceous; FR,ES,US,AR,
La Universidad de Zaragoza en colaboración con el Museo de Salas de los Infantes de Burgos ha descrito los restos de un nuevo y diminuto dinosaurio ornitópodo del Barremiense superior (125 millones de años) [...]

Nezumab und Numap – Die Wirkstoffnamen der neuen Migränemittel 

Mente et Malleo [09:16:40]  recommend  recommend this post  (120 visits) info
Galcanezumab und Erenumab – was uns diese und andere Namen der Medikamente gegen Migräne verraten und welche wir uns merken sollten. Suma, Nara, Zolmi, Ele, Almo, Riza, Frova, Avi, Doni – einige [...]

Los mundos prehistóricos de Tom Sutton 

Koprolitos [08:44:00]  recommend  1 recommendations  (157 visits) info
Tom Sutton (1937-2002) es probablemente el más minusvalorado de los artistas de la llamada “Edad de Plata” del comic norteamericano [1]. Destacó con sus historias de terror y ciencia-ficción en las [...]

Letters, op-eds, and blogs express concern over defunding of geological survey 

Arizona Geology [03:45:00]  recommend  1 recommendations  (181 visits) info
Geologists and geology advocates are making their opinions known about Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey's government consolidation decision to defund the Arizona Geological Survey as of June 30.  The AZGS duties have [...]

Mark Your Calendars for these events happening at HMNS 6/27-7/3 

BEYONDbones [03:00:32]  recommend  recommend this post  (164 visits) info
Last week’s featured #HMNSBlockParty creation is by Britknee (age: 16):  Want to get your engineering handwork featured? Drop by our Block Party interactive play area and try your own hand [...]

'The present is the key to the past' 

Earth Learning Idea [20:41:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (172 visits) info
The ELI today involves applying ‘The present is the key to the past’. It is an outdoor activity using Earth science-thinking in reverse. This activity helps pupils to build a picture of the past from [...]

Insekten tarnten sich schon vor 100 Millionen Jahren 

Gunnars Geo-Blog [20:11:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (282 visits) info
     Wer zu einem Maskenball geht, schlüpft bewusst in eine andere Rolle, um nicht so schnell erkannt zu werden. Ganz ähnlich machten es bereits Insektenlarven in der Kreidezeit: Sie hüllten sich in [...]

Fruits of India 

Water and Megacities [19:16:46]  recommend  1 recommendations  (168 visits) info
When I came to India I was eager to try out every food that I would be offered. Before I left Germany I already had a glimpse at dishes which are common for the Indian cuisine. Surprisingly the fruit section [...]

An icon lost: The Hayward fault’s Rose/Prospect curb 

Oakland Geology [17:03:18]  recommend  recommend this post  (213 visits) info
Certain places are prized by geologists, especially teachers, for their educational value. Out-of-towners make pilgrimages to them. Sure we all enjoy the Grand Canyon, but real geologists have Siccar Point, [...]

Centennial Commemoration of the Locks and Canal 

New Stories in Stone [16:24:22]  recommend  recommend this post  (175 visits) info
As I have noted previously, July 4, 2017, will be the centennial of the official opening of Lake Washington Ship Canal and the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks. I am part of a group — Making the Cut — [...]

Williger, 1882. Die Löwenberger Kreidemulde [15:03:38]  recommend  recommend this post  (95 visits) info
G. Williger, 1882. Die Löwenberger Kreidemulde, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Fortsetzung in der preussischen Ober-Lausitz. Jahrbuch der Könglich Preussischen geologischen Landesanstalt und [...]

Small faults in upper Old Red Sandstone, Dunbar, Scotland 

Mountain Beltway [14:17:12]  recommend  recommend this post  (185 visits) info
 Carboniferous,Devonian; US,GB
Dunbar, Scotland, is a nice little seaside town that also happens to be the birthplace of the conservationist John Muir. My family and I have been based out of here this week on our European geological GigaPan [...]

Imaggeo on Mondays: Heavy machinery 

GeoLog-The official blog of the European Geosciences Union [13:00:46]  recommend  recommend this post  (163 visits) info
How do you get heavy machinery, such as a drill spool onto an ice sheet? This week’s imaggeo on Mondays’ photography captures the freighting of components of a hot water drill to directly access and [...]

UK Science and the EU Referendum Result: My Reaction, Facts and Uncertainty. 

Volcano Blog by Tom Pering [11:48:09]  recommend  recommend this post  (91 visits) info
The result to leave the EU will have come as a surprise to many. As an Early Career Scientist I was particularly hoping that the UK would vote to remain, and was resoundingly disappointed as I checked my phone [...]

The Hawai'i That Was: Living on Uncertain Ground - The First Human Wave Arrives 

Geotripper [08:47:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (184 visits) info
The southeast coast of the Big Island of Hawai'i is a barren blasted land. One can blame it on the lack of rain, but though it is arid, rainfall is plentiful enough to support forests nearby. One only needs to [...]

23 Hours of Sunlight and 22 Hours of Bugs (Part 1) 

Wooster Geologists [04:16:58]  recommend  1 recommendations  (180 visits) info
Guest bloggers: Andrew Wayrynen and Jeff Gunderson First attempt at collecting wood in Muir Inlet with Dan Lawson  Two College of Wooster geologists in the Alaskan wilderness is always a recipe for success. [...]


The Lost Geologist [03:01:00]  recommend  1 recommendations  (157 visits) info
I have been very busy with another publication as part of my doctoral thesis during the last weeks/months. So posting was quiet here and will probably continue to be so for a while. But I recently noticed [...] | Impressum