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Saturday, 17 June 2017

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Difference Between GPS and DGPS 

Grindgis [07:47:47]  recommend  recommend this post  (231 visits) info
GPS: GPS known as Global Positioning System is a collection of number of satellite in the space sending the precise location details in the space back to Earth. Signals are obtained by the GPS instrument which uses to calculate  it’s location, speed, time at the location, height of the location and other info. It

Wooster Geologist/Historian on the San Andreas Fault 

Wooster Geologists [16:45:09]  recommend  recommend this post  (204 visits) info
Berkeley, California — Brandon Bell (’18) is a double major in geology and history at Wooster. He has a classic double-major thesis that combines both disciplines: the early history of modern seismology following the Great San Francisco Earthquake in 1906. He is focused on the growing international communications among scientists about earthquakes, especially between Japan

Hitting the Road in the Best Way: Into the Pacific Northwest, and With My Students! 

Geotripper [07:59:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (194 visits) info
It's the time of year I love the most, our field season, when my students and I hit the road. We are making a grand loop, heading north along the spine of the Cascades, with stops at Mt. Shasta, Lava Beds, [...]

Viatge al centre de la Terra(ssa). Capítol II: el mapa geològic de Domènec Palet i Barba vist 122 anys després 

Bloc de camp [17:11:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (158 visits) info
La ciència és com una cullereta intentant buidar un mar de natura. Per més que en treguis, el nivell de l’aigua no baixa. I aquí està la gràcia: per cada interrogant que es resolt, la pròpia acció de [...]

Aztec Crime And Punishment: Results Of The International Conference For The Codex Xolotl 

BEYONDbones [00:00:57]  recommend  recommend this post  (158 visits) info
By Jerry Offner, Associate Curator for Northern Mesoamerica Houston Museum of Natural science   The Houston Museum of Natural Science and La Bibliothèque nationale de France have been cooperating in a new [...]


ARCHEA [20:36:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (86 visits) info
Reaching speeds of over 320 km/h (200 mph) Peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus), are exquisite birds of prey. They are worthy predators in the air and one of the fastest moving creatures on the planet. I've [...] | Impressum