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Tuesday, 16 January 2018

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The Hard Work of Making Sustainability Management Real 

State of the Planet [23:51:59]  recommend  recommend this post  (61 visits) info
To have meaningful change on sustainability, corporations, nonprofits and governments must bring it into the regular fabric of organizational

Peat in the Tropics 

Geology for Global Development [21:59:11]  recommend  recommend this post  (30 visits) info
As has been previously discussed in Robert’s blog, fertile soil is an incredibly important resource that is fast running out in many regions of the world. It is true that soil’s importance for agriculture (and sustainable development) cannot be understated, but I wish to focus on another aspect of soil in this week’s blog– its ability to store carbon. One soil type in particular, peat, is an incredibly important form of carbon storage. Despite only covering 3% of the Earth’s land [...]

Our Earliest Bloomer 

In the Company of Plants and Rocks [17:41:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (14 visits) info
American pussy willow in February 2015, southeast Wyoming, 7200 ft elevation. For a month I've been identifying plant specimens collected at Mount Rushmore National Memorial (yes, there’s more to [...]

Perowskit-Solarzellen: Es muss gar nicht perfekt sein 

Gunnars Geo-Blog [17:28:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (227 visits) info
     Untersuchungen an BESSY II zeigen, warum selbst „löchrige“ Perowskit-Filme gut funktionieren Metallorganische Perowskit-Schichten für Solarzellen werden häufig durch Rotationsschleudern auf [...]

An Inconvenient Ice Age 

Ontario-geofish [16:46:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (106 visits) info
I've decided to give up on pushing basic physics.  It's too dangerous, and everybody wants blood these days.  Look at Ms. Atwood, who just wants due process.  Instead, I will just chart the coming ice age, [...]

All of this has happened before, and all of this will happen again: an introduction to How the Earth Works 

Highly Allochthonous [13:30:25]  recommend  recommend this post  (14 visits) info
For a couple of years now, I've been telling a story at the beginning of the introductory geology course I teach, called How the Earth Works. I like to think it gives a flavour of the kinds of stories you can [...]

Mayon mit pyroklastischen Strömen 

Florian Beckers Vulkan-Blog [10:01:42]  recommend  recommend this post  (599 visits) info
Der Mayon auf den Philippinen ist weiterhin aktiv. Im Gipfelkrater wächst ein Lavadom. Von diesem gehen 2 Lavaströme aus, die durch die Miisi und Bonga Abflussrinnen fließen. Der längere der Lavaströme [...]

Satellite images of the Montecito debris flows in California 

The Landslide Blog [09:11:47]  recommend  recommend this post  (71 visits) info
Last week significant debris flows struck the Montecito area of California, causing at least 20 fatalities. Planet Labs have now captured medium and high resolution images of the area

Paul Graham on blogging as a way to generate papers 

Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week [05:17:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (23 visits) info
Computer programmer, essayist and venture capitalist Paul Graham writes: In most fields, prototypes have traditionally been made out of different materials. Typefaces to be cut in metal were initially designed [...]

A Look Back at Ten Years of Geoblogging: The Toughest Fish in the World 

Geotripper [03:17:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (16 visits) info
I've spent the last two weeks going through the archives of ten years of Geotripper. I've been enjoying picking out a few bits here and there that I really enjoyed writing. One of these was the story of the [...]


Accidental Remediation [00:49:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (12 visits) info
The comments on this Ask a Manager post, from someone who was uncomfortable using Uber/Lyft and preferred taxis, ended up going into four digits. Most of them were anti-taxi. I've mentioned quite a few times [...]

Menschheitsgeschichte muss nicht neu geschrieben werden: Der „Fall Untermaßfeld“ 

Gunnars Geo-Blog [17:34:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (307 visits) info
In einer kürzlich im Fachjournal „Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology“ veröffentlichten Studie widerlegt der Senckenberg-Wissenschaftler Prof. Dr. Ralf-Dietrich Kahlke gemeinsam mit einem [...]

A New Giant Penguin Weighs In 

March of the Fossil Penguins [16:58:30]  recommend  recommend this post  (576 visits) info
March of the Fossil Penguins is gearing up for more penguin paleontology posts. We will start with a big story from the close of 2017. A new species, Kumimanu biceae, was discovered in New Zealand. The [...]

Reflections from Antarctica: A Landscape in Flux 

State of the Planet [16:13:36]  recommend  recommend this post  (39 visits) info
Working as an Antarctic field scientist, I witnessed the destruction provoked by a rapidly warming planet. But I also found

Los surrealistas dinosaurios de Dallin Moe 

Koprolitos [11:15:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (21 visits) info
Dallin Moe es un joven artista norteamericano afincado en San Clemente (California, Estados Unidos) y que actualmente cursa su graduado en Bellas Artes en el Otis College of Arts and Design en Los Angeles, [...]

Raptor-related donations and edits 

ART Evolved: Life's Time Capsule [09:16:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (90 visits) info
1stly, Scott Madsen needs help raising funds for "The Utahraptor Project" ( ). I'm spreading the word & giving Scott some money for 2 main reasons: 1) "Among the [...]

A Look Back at Ten Years of Geotripping: I toured a marble quarry on Vancouver Island; It's almost as if they didn't want us to see the rocks. 

Geotripper [08:27:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (9 visits) info
I've been digging through the archives of Geotripper on the occasion of my tenth anniversary of geoblogging, looking for some of my favorites. In 2015 I spent a lot of time in the Pacific Northwest, resulting [...]

Reticulariina Brachiopod Fossil Spines 

Louisville Area Fossils [04:54:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (106 visits) info
These images are of brachiopod fossils and close up images under the microscope of some of their spines. The brachiopod fossils are called Reticulariina spinosa and date to the Mississippian Period. They were [...]

Viewing 3D planes (discs) with a specified diameter and orientation in ArcScene 

Active Tectonics Blog [02:56:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (206 visits) info
We have been pondering how to visualize planes in 3D as a way to assess correlation of beds in an area. My colleague Chris Campisano and our jointly supervised PhD student Dominique Garello was asking about [...] | Impressum